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meaningful discourse on LOW DOSE DNP

nordstrom said:
thats what killed WSM johnny perry, using DNP, coke and a bunch of other drugs?

He died from a cocaine overdose, but the DNP, juice, oxy and GHB probably weren't helping matters much.
a big problem is that most dnp sources are only making the 200mg caps making it very difficult to splilt into smaller doses.

not so sure about opening the cap and swallowing the powder 'bare'.
andy used to say if you took a teaspoon of baking soda and mixed it with your powder dnp it would = crystal true it that?

Ox - I tried that - didn't really work out too well. I felt no difference.
GoldenDelicious said:
other side effects like cataracts (yes i think this is significant, especally if you wear contact lenses, because there is a huge increase in concentration in the eye when you use contacts)
GD,why do contacts increase the concentration in the eyes?
I think running smaller doses over a longer period of time has its merits.

I consider 200mg/day a small dose. At this level, I rarely get into issues with getting really hot. I can feel an increased warmth so I dress cooler. Use small fan in my office sometimes and try not to get into heated discussion. When this happens my adrenanline gets going and I start getting hot.

At this dose, lethargy is minor. Workouts are almost 100%. It is also easier to stay hydrated and it is more likely that the anti-oxidants won't be overwhelmed.

I will bump to 400mg/day for a day or two on the weekend. But I will also skip days if I am going out or something.

When I did my first cycle, I ran at 400mg/day and 600mg/day. At these doses, your body cannot fuel itself fast enough from fat stores alone, so it goes after glycogen stores. When this happens you feel flat, tired and weak.

At the lower dosages, your glycogen stores are not effected as much. Of course the fat loss is not as fast, but with low dose you run it longer.

For me, this seems to work out best. I don't think that I will use DNP over 400mg/day again. More comfortable to run the lower doses longer.

P.S. I run 12.5mg T3 2x per day
I'm with satch on getting the dosage of 200mg in a pill...not sure what would happen if I opened the pill but I have heard of people having reactions to the powder hitting their throats. I'm on day 5 at 400mg...body weight lost so far is 6lbs. I plan on trying for another week at the same dosage but I am getting agitated with the night sweats so we shall see.
I'm on day 10 of 200mg......weight is down about 10lbs (keep in mind 300mg of deca and M1T pre-workout = 4 days a week)

going to do 400mg for the next 2 days then back to 200mg for the remaining 8

in the end 20 days
macrophage69alpha said:
this is innaccurate. the individual (eric perrin) was taking in excess of a gram of CRYSTAL DNP (DNP SALT which has a much more rapid uptake and higher bioavailability), combined with a host of other drugs including X.

200mg per day will not cause overheating or lethargy in most individuals

see i knew this would happen. the article i read said specifically 400, 3 doses.

anyway there was a lady who died on 100 or so, so can we please stop arguaing about lethal doses. lets talk LOW DOSE and how to optimise
andy used to say if you took a teaspoon of baking soda and mixed it with your powder dnp it would = crystal true it that?

no. dnp in aqueous solution plus sodium bicarb would make the sodium salt that was used in the 30s
posthuman said:
GD,why do contacts increase the concentration in the eyes?

lots of drugs are found in eye secretions (tears). normally though, there is a very very thin layer of tears over the pupil, and so only a little bit gets into the eye itself. with contacts, you get a much much higher concentration in the fluid over the pupil (10x higher) and so more will seep into the aqueous humour inside the eye itself

thats the same reason you should never wear contacts when you use medicated eyedrops

macro/dial_tone: i think we are talking about different people.

anyway it doesnt matter what we call high and low dose, for all intents and purposes a low dose is one that doesnt manifest in those severe side effects which are an extension of DNPs action

i dont know about the above theory that low dose DNP goes after your glycogen less.....doesnt make sense. the body burns carbs preferentially, with or without dnp. the lesser lethargy is likely because you have a higher overall metabolism, but your carb levels arent as depleted (or have time to be replenished by diet ... same thing in essence)
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