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ME Bench 9/23


New member
Videos will be up later tonight im going to the store now to get a video capture card.

Incline Bench
45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 205x3 ( PR )

Close Grip Bench
115x8, 155x6x3

BB Rows ( i think my form sucks )
95x8, 115x8x2

Standing OHP
45x8, 95x6x2

I was impressed by my incline bench, most ive ever done. I definately need to work on my BB rows though, check the vid later to see my form.
cheesecake said:
You may have explained this before, but why don't you go to a 1RM?

im in season right now for lacrosse and a 3rm is a little easier on the body than a 1rm. ill be doing 1rm after fall ball.
nice workout man...and on the rows i wouldnt stress bout the weight just make sure you keep good form and get a real good squeeze at the top..
solid weight, rows are tricky, just keep your arch and worry about full Rom, weight is justa function of time on those
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