it all depends on how far you take bodybuilding man, and what you decide to do, aswell as your current or previous lifestyle
whats healthy is always going to be debatable, becoz everyone has a different idea of what they think is healthy, some people think guys who run marathons or 10 miles a day healthy, while others say its not, some say arnold with his 22inch arms was healthy, while others will argue he wasnt
some guys will cycle 500mgs of test once a year, follow a nice healthy clean diet, some cardio, do a good PCT and probably never really see any issues
then you can look into competive bodybuilding where guys cruise on 300-500mg test weekly, and run anywhere between 1500-3000mgs of gear weekly, consume 5000-6000 cals, use other substances, and get there bf% down to very unhealthy low levels for comps
that and on average there 5'8, 240 pounds with 7%bf almost all year round, which isnt very healthy on ur heart since it was never designed to support that kind of muscle mass, as a result heart problems are very likely aswell as other numerous issues
remeber bodybuilding isnt about 'health', thats an old myth,
bodybuilding is about being big, lean, and conditioned, or just looking either amazing or freaky (whichever u prefer), some bodybuilders may look healthy but that doesnt mean they are
theres nothing healthy about injecting large amounts of hormones in ur body, lifting weights that no natural man could, eating twice the normal amount of most people etc
however with that said, most people lifestyles arent healthy these days anyways with huge amounts of people being obese, large high calorie junk food, diets, large recreational drug users, couch potatoes who dont exercise, smokers, pollution in the air etc
so to say bodybuilding is unhealthy isnt nesecarily true, however to say its healthy isnt nesecarily true either
there are many factors, u might take a couch potato with 25%, eats liek shit and doesnt exercise who takes up bodybuilding, and endw up having 12% after 1-2 years, and cycles 600mgs of test occasionaly with a good diet
in this case although his cycling isnt healthy, adopting an exercise regime, lowering his bodyfat, eating healthy would have all benefited him and you could easily argue these benefits with his occasional steroid use is much healthier then his previous lifestyle
although if your talking about modern compeitive bodybuilding then im going to say YES it is unhealthy, and will happily argue my point
alot of times it isnt about listening to people on a forum telling you whether your healthy or not, or what is healthy, but rather you just sitting down and thinking about your lifestyle and deciding for yourself 'what you consider healthy'
some guys may wanna live 80 years, and carry an average build all there life, for him doing half hour of cardio daily like jogging and full body workouts is healthy and appropriate
while others wanna look like what they see in bodybuilding magazines, and are willing to take risks and reconsider what they think is healthy
a famous quote by marcus ruhl
Reporter: do you think being that big is healthy?
Marcus: i dont care about being healthy, i care about big muscles
that to me sums up modern competive bodybuilding