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Lab results! Low t!?!?

seems to be a growing problem these days with everyone having low T.

its the environment and foods we are putting in our bodies..

I totally agree, food and water additives have got to play a role. I've been researching all afternoon and from what I've read a normal level for a 40 year old is around 500-600 ng/dl. In no way should my levels drop below 300 at only 25.
What the hell are you guys talking about. Yeah, food made his T levels low. Are you serious? I know fat fucks that eat fast food all day and their T levels are higher than every single one of yours. You still have low levels from your cycle, this is common sense. Just run another natty PCT. Make it long, and make it big. It will be expensive but it's either you fuck with your T levels or you spend a little cash to get it right again. People who cycle don't like to admit the truth but it fucked your T levels up. I have done plenty of cycles but I can at least admit this. After your natty PCT, get checked again, if it's still low, run another. If you do it right it should be recovering. Wether you like the way this sounds or not, I am just trying to help you out and tell you the truth. I'm not trying to fuck with your body. I'm helping you to recover it.
What the hell are you guys talking about. Yeah, food made his T levels low. Are you serious? I know fat fucks that eat fast food all day and their T levels are higher than every single one of yours. You still have low levels from your cycle, this is common sense. Just run another natty PCT. Make it long, and make it big. It will be expensive but it's either you fuck with your T levels or you spend a little cash to get it right again. People who cycle don't like to admit the truth but it fucked your T levels up. I have done plenty of cycles but I can at least admit this. After your natty PCT, get checked again, if it's still low, run another. If you do it right it should be recovering. Wether you like the way this sounds or not, I am just trying to help you out and tell you the truth. I'm not trying to fuck with your body. I'm helping you to recover it.

ummm.. whats with the attitude? no one said running hormones doesn't mess with your HPTA.

but it is true that poor lifestyle choices will lower your T levels.. when you exercise you release hormones, this is a fact. when you have sex, you release hormones. so someone who sits in moms basement all day playing video games is gonna have a lower levels than if they got their ass off the couch and went and exercised and got laid. also there are foods that have been proven to suppress the body. i have numerous published articles naming these foods if you head over to muscle research and check them out. many of those foods are eaten almost on a daily basis with the american diet. and lets not forget drug and alcohol abuse.. and i'm not just talking about rec drugs, i am talking about drugs that docs hand out like candy.

and no one is gonna disagree with you that the OP should run a natty cycle and try and recover his T levels naturally before resorting to TRT. there are way way way way too many guys who give up and go on HRT at a young age when they shouldn't. in fact thats why i wrote up a little something on phyto-serms which will help the OP
ummm.. whats with the attitude? no one said running hormones doesn't mess with your HPTA.

but it is true that poor lifestyle choices will lower your T levels.. when you exercise you release hormones, this is a fact. when you have sex, you release hormones. so someone who sits in moms basement all day playing video games is gonna have a lower levels than if they got their ass off the couch and went and exercised and got laid. also there are foods that have been proven to suppress the body. i have numerous published articles naming these foods if you head over to muscle research and check them out. many of those foods are eaten almost on a daily basis with the american diet.

and no one is gonna disagree with you that the OP should run a natty cycle and try and recover his T levels naturally before resorting to TRT. there are way way way way too many guys who give up and go on HRT at a young age when they shouldn't. in fact thats why i wrote up a little something on phyto-serms which will help the OP

The attitude wasn't intentional, it's just that I see a bunch of people who cycle on all of these "bro" forums who are in complete denial and are turning the entire underground community into the wrong direction when it comes to the truth. I know food nowadays can mess up your hormones, but this guy is 25. Even if he lived his life very unhealthy his T levels should be awesome. As he said though, he lives his life very healthy. He admitted he has cycled and everyone posting in this thread is acting like they are bum fucking confused as to why his T levels are low. When I see that, it just hits me the wrong way.
The attitude wasn't intentional, it's just that I see a bunch of people who cycle on all of these "bro" forums who are in complete denial and are turning the entire underground community into the wrong direction when it comes to the truth. I know food nowadays can mess up your hormones, but this guy is 25. Even if he lived his life very unhealthy his T levels should be awesome. As he said though, he lives his life very healthy. He admitted he has cycled and everyone posting in this thread is acting like they are bum fucking confused as to why his T levels are low. When I see that, it just hits me the wrong way.

Respect the opinion man but I'm not blaming it on food and I'm not saying that my cycles haven't affected my hormones either what I am saying is that before I even ran the cycles and having good diet and exercise, I still had issues and symptoms of low T. Factors that may contribute to this could be but are definitely not limited to the gmo foods and growth hormones used in animals. And then there's the genetic aspect that could be an issue as well.
The attitude wasn't intentional, it's just that I see a bunch of people who cycle on all of these "bro" forums who are in complete denial and are turning the entire underground community into the wrong direction when it comes to the truth. I know food nowadays can mess up your hormones, but this guy is 25. Even if he lived his life very unhealthy his T levels should be awesome. As he said though, he lives his life very healthy. He admitted he has cycled and everyone posting in this thread is acting like they are bum fucking confused as to why his T levels are low. When I see that, it just hits me the wrong way.

Since I'm the only other poster in this thread besides Steve and OP, I'll assume this know-it-all statement was directed towards me.

You can't just automatically assume its because of a cycle. Sorry for trying to get detailed info on his past rather than making a guess. Thats what we do on EF; we're thorough. And what did we conclude? That he didn't properly recover and he should run another pct. We didn't need your insight to figure that out. It was already said on the first page.

And guess what? There are tons of young men suffering from low T because of the exact shit Steve wrote about. There is no cookie cutter or black and white answer for threads like these which is why I was thorough. But what do I know? I'm "bum fucking confused". Thanks for your contribution to the thread...
I was 6ft 305 with bad eating habits and a drinking problem. Mine was 376 total and low range on free test(forget the #) which I thought was pretty damn low :(
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