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ketcup - has carbs, but it's fine when bulking

Butter - is high in fat, avoid it, or use in moderation

salt - May cause some water retention, but you're bulking, so don't worry abou it. I mean while bulking you need your main sources of good food to build muscle and mass definitely, but does anything go while bulking?? Like if I wanna eat a cookie should I go right ahead and do so or is just gonna tack on a lot of unnecesary fat??
When bulking alot of people (including myself) get carried away with eating. If you want to have a cookie here and there, by all means have it. However, you should still be eating clean when bulking, just more.
I agree with gymrat, but I take things a step further with butter, even when bulking. Butter is likely the worst form of saturated fat you can eat. I'd avoid it completely.
curling said:
what about margarine? like low fat margarin?

That's better, but still not worth it IMO. Have you ever tasted low-fat butter or marg? It's almost completely tasteless. And many find themselves using more of it for that reason, thereby defeating the whole purpose.

Go with Butterbuds. They're hi sodium, but they're much better on a baked potatoe or vegetables.
Whatever you do don't use margarine instead. Margarine is much worse for you then butter. Go to low fat butter if you want. Butter is natural fat. Margarine is a frankenstein monster made in a laboratory. I can't stress this enough all the talk about margarine being healthier then butter is a bunch of lies. Go look at a bottle of Wesson oil. That is what vegetable oil naturally looks like. Doesn't resemble margarine very much does it? The way they make the liquid oil into solid margarine is a process that makes it extremely bad for you.
Ketchup is ok but you can always use homemade tomato/spegatti sauce wich doesnt have the presertives. Also I would skip butter and use olive oil instead. Butter seems to store on your gut. Stirfry your veggies on olive or sesamane oil The others you can seem to metabolize more efficient.
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