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how do i lower estrogen while on test/eq???


New member
whats up bros? i haven't been on here in a while, i started a new job that's been taking up a lot of time.. but i've been training 4-6 days a week and juicing like always :evil:

i ran a pretty easy deca/test cycle over the winter, which i bridged with 300mgs test before starting my summer cycle of 450test/600eq. i ran this current test/eq cycle last summer and i LOVED it, so i'm gonna stick with what i know works.

i recently started working in the laboratory at my local hospital, and i have access to all of our testing equipment. unfortunately, we don't have the ability to measure testosterone/estrogen levels, but i CAN measure almost everything else (cortisol, ldl/hdl, prol, prog, lh, fsh, t3/t4, all livers, etc.)

i tested myself every cpl weeks throughout my deca/test cycle and the only real problem i had was my prolactin, which at one point ran as high as 21.99ng/ml. i tried bromocriptine .5mg/e3d. that didn't seem to help, so i ran the clinical dose of 2.5mgs/ED, for 2 weeks to bring my levels down, and continued .5mg/e3d as maintenance. unfortunately, i ran out and it took a cpl months to get more, during which time it shot back up. i got more bromo last week, which i startred, so i'm now in week 2 of 2.5mgs/ED again, until it drops back to normal.

my question is this. like i said, i'm now running 450Test/600Eq, along with my bromocriptine (2.5mgs/ED for one more week), but i have a bit of gyno starting (puffy/burning/itching nipples) which i ASSUME is due to elevated ESTROGEN (remember, can't run estrogen at work).
i have a bunch of nolvadex, but as far as i remember that can't be run with EQ.
so in a nutshell, i'm taking the bromo for PROLACTIN, but what should i do for ESTROGEN??
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