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how can I progress with steroids?


New member
40 years old and training for 3 years consistent
I’m looking to progress more as a female who is trying to get stronger
currently benching around 80 lbs on the flat bench
would like to push the 100-pound area
I’ve already tried different training tactics but no matter what I do I seem to have hit a plateau
keep in mind I only weigh 130 lbs and I don’t want to blow up a lot of weight
should I just go with some anavar or should I try winstrol?
40 years old and training for 3 years consistent
I’m looking to progress more as a female who is trying to get stronger
currently benching around 80 lbs on the flat bench
would like to push the 100-pound area
I’ve already tried different training tactics but no matter what I do I seem to have hit a plateau
keep in mind I only weigh 130 lbs and I don’t want to blow up a lot of weight
should I just go with some anavar or should I try winstrol?
for a female you should be doing lower doses like 2.5mgs anavar 2.5mgs winstrol 10mgs cardarine and n2guard nothing more
maybe low dose var and winstrol
female here, i would go 5-10mgs anavar and go from there
make sure you are using the supplement n2guard
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