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Help with side effects


New member
Ok I'm going to do a test, d-bol cycle. Then clomid for PCT. I was wondering what I need to take during the first 10 weeks to help with side effects.

I've read the the post pct.pct.pct. ten times. Can't really find a complete answer to what to take during the 10 weeks with test and d-bol.

Week 1-10 Test CYP@200mg E5D
Week 1-4 D-bol 20mg ED

2 weeks after last shot
Clomid PCT:
Day 1: 300mg
Day 2 to 10: 100mg ED
Day 11 to 21: 50mg ED
If sides do not develope ----nothing, but its always a good idea to have nova, armidex on hand.

No arimidex is used to reduce estrogen production and it really helps, Nolva blocks estrogen from the receptor and stops gyno, in a nutshell.
Would i have to use liquidex throughout the whole cycle?? I know not during PCT. And if so what do you guys think is the best amount for me with my test dbol cycle.
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