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Getting Scared


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It has been a while since I have logged on because I have been pretty depressed. I had unbelievable gains on a winny, deca, andro cycle that ended in march. I was two weeks into my 2nd deca, winny cycle in early late may early june when I got my blood tests back. The doc said I was producing very little test and very high estrogen. I stopped everything and and I started losing gains. I just got a retest done on my test and my level climbed a little but they are still extremely low (65ng , normal is 240 -820). My balls are definetly coming back but the test thing is worrying the shit out of me. I am still working out but my energy sucks my strength went down about 30% and I am less weight but holding more fat!! I lost 12 pounds from 252 with abs to 240 with less definition. MY LIBIDO SUCKS!!! I went from having sex with my girl 2-3 times a day to maybe 1 every 2-3 days. My doc says my pituatary is not responding properly and I have to go back Tuesday. Has anyone ever had this much trouble getting their natural test or pituatary gland working properly again. Im only 27 with only 1 full cycle under my belt, and I dont want to be permenantly fucked up. I did neglect post cycle therapy but I figured that giving myself time and taking natural boosters such as tribulus (tribex500) and anti e's such as nolvadex (10 days 20mgs per day) that I would be ok but no such luck. All and any info that would ease my mind would help- a brother out big.
The classical sin-neglection of post-cycle recovery.You are in a state of up-regulated aromitase.Get some liquidex/anastrozole,it will reverse this.In the meantime,proviron will help boost your libido at 50mgs/day.
Huck, I am deeply afraid of permenant damage. Have you ever heard of such a thing with anyone who has done as little AS as I have ( 1, 10 week cycle). Also are there any supplements that I can take to help me keep or maintain whatever gains I have left without interfering in my natural test production.
Deca shut you down ahard and you took no precautions to bring it quickly. That is the problem. Get some clomid and take 100mg ED fopr a while.

the infamous deca.

Although many claim fina shuts you down hard nothing compares to deca, don't know why its just like that.

You need at least 4 weeks of clomid with deca and you still might not be back up.

People do not take postcycle seriously enough, if you don't have all your shit for post cycle its better to stay on another few weeks til you get your stuff than come off on a half ass post cycle!!!!
You should have your prolactin checked as well. Elevated prolactin will cause nat. test inhibiton. Deca is pretty good at this and somtimes the problem will takes month to correct itself. A combo of Bromo and Clomid might do the trick. If it is prolactin, then Clomid may not work by itself. Get it checked I'll bet you that is half of the problem. Deca Blows....
Personally I'd go with...

Arimidex + Clomid + HCG to get things running again... That's what I've used and continue to use.

Arimidex at 0.5mg ED for 1 week, 0.25mg ED for 2 weeks
Clomid at 300mg day 1, 100mg ED for 1 week, 50mg ED for 2 weeks
HCG at 1000IU ED for first 5 days

works for me, should have you bouncing back too. Oh, and here's what this is for:

Arimidex - stop estrogen conversion
Clomid - stimulate LH production and also limits impact of current estrogen in your system
HCG - recovers testicle size and function - THIS IS KEY IMHO

There have been studies that show the LH rebound is significantly faster than endogenous testosterone production, and only HCG really helps with the latter.

See for reference on this last point: "Effect of long-term testosterone enanthate administration on male reproductive function: Clinical evaluation, serum FSH, LH, Testosterone and seminal fluid analysis in normal men", J. Mauss, G. Borsch et al. Acta Endocrinol 78 (1975) 373-84

Hope this helps.

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