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first cycle help and advice


New member
Hi guys,

I;m 5,7 and 160 pounds and am just about to start my first cycle which is:

weeks 1-4 = d-bol
weeks 1-10 = 1ml test
weeks 1-10 = 1ml deca QV 250

I'm splittin the 2 shots of test and deca in the week. I did a lot of research into this and i got advice from a few mates who hav used gear before and have sorted me out with the stuff to make sure i dint get shit stuff etc.

Any advice (including diet is appreciated). I'm pretty clued in about training as i'm a rugby player and have sorted out my own hypertrophy program. All my training has been strength, power and then a bit of hypertrophy but i just struggle to put anymore than a few pounds on which is why i'm trying gear.

like i said guys any advice is appreciated. :rainbow:
sorry im 20 years old. and ive decided to swap the deca for tren ace. thanks genebean id completely forgot to check detection times and stuff.
You're on the verge of making a big mistake. Assuming you're a normal, healthy 20-year-old you can put on a lot more muscle without any steroids at all. If you can't put on weight above 160lbs it's diet; 100% diet. You can't put on muscle without adding enough calories to build it.

Here's what's going to happen, you'll go on your steroid cycle, put on maybe 8 lbs of muscle because the gear will increase protein synthesis and help you use your calories more efficiently. Then when you go off cycle, everything will go back to normal and your diet will no longer support the added muscle and it will be gone in 5 weeks.

Not to mention that trenbolone is the worst possible steroid to recover from. No one recommends tren for a first cycle.
Appreciate the advice, but ive been tryin to put on wieght for 3 years. i can put on a few pounds over the summer but i really struggle as i play 15's up until june and then 7's up until august so i am constantly shredding calories. believe me gear was my last option cos iv been told this year that if i want to make it then i need to put on some weight and fast.

and i have taken ur advice and am not gonna use tren, but i am gonna use another fast acting test still researching into it though. any advice on diet?
Dbol for 6 weeks and Test Eth for 1o Wks at 500mg per week train until failure in the gym eat several smaller servings thru out the day and get at least one gram (or better) of protein for every pound of bodyweight.

If you do not like needles go to "" or click on the gladiator in my signature.
I must caution these capsules are extremely potent.

...i just struggle to put anymore than a few pounds...

you need more food. 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight minimum! With as much exercise as you should be getting playing and practicing rugby, you should be able to really put away a LOT of food.

Bottom line is, I'd bet you $100 you're just not eating enough/getting enough protein. I bet if you focused on 2 (or more) grams protein per pound of bodyweight and don't forget your carbs, be sure to drink at least a gallon to 1.5 gals. of water a day...AND did either the 5x5 or a different split I could direct you to in the training forum EXACTLY as they were laid out...that you could gain at least 10 pounds in 10-12 weeks.
Thanks for all the advice guys. iv started the cycle now so ill keep you all posted on my progress. pics aswell hopefully.

looking forward to some big gains :)
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