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Cycle Journal


New member
Started my cycle 2 weeks ago
400mg test cyp, 400mg deca per week

2 shots of 200mg Monday and Friday

Not noticed anything on week one.

Week 2 sweating a lot when working out (i mean alot) and a more frequent visitor to the toilet, its coming out like water, i mean just loose nothing solid.

not sure if this is the roids affect or my body filtering out excess protein

Eating like a horse 4000+ cals per day 400+ on protein.

Anyone done the same cycle?

Experiences, gains, timescale?

greyfoxsbs said:
Started my cycle 2 weeks ago
400mg test cyp, 400mg deca per week

2 shots of 200mg Monday and Friday

Not noticed anything on week one.

Week 2 sweating a lot when working out (i mean alot) and a more frequent visitor to the toilet, its coming out like water, i mean just loose nothing solid.

not sure if this is the roids affect or my body filtering out excess protein

Eating like a horse 4000+ cals per day 400+ on protein.

Anyone done the same cycle?

Experiences, gains, timescale?


Week 3

Strength up by 20kg on bench
up 15kg on shoulder press
up 20kg on deadlift

Had flu symptoms for 2 days then just disappeared, eating like crazy every 2 hours im hungry. Workouts in the gym are an hour and im pumped when im finished the pump is lasting around 4 hours. noticed some mass increase on the traps and upper chest

routine is
monday shoulders
tue chest
wed tri and legs
thu biceps
fri back
sat and sun off
greyfoxsbs said:
Week 3

Strength up by 20kg on bench
up 15kg on shoulder press
up 20kg on deadlift

Had flu symptoms for 2 days then just disappeared, eating like crazy every 2 hours im hungry. Workouts in the gym are an hour and im pumped when im finished the pump is lasting around 4 hours. noticed some mass increase on the traps and upper chest

routine is
monday shoulders
tue chest
wed tri and legs
thu biceps
fri back
sat and sun off

Week 5
Traps and chest look huge when done training bi and tri's are shaping up nice also, in 5 weeks i have gained a 22lbs in weight - not all muscle i think.

Recovery is much quicker, after i have trained and had a shake i feel like i could go again, have been tempted to do so but keep thinking "grow when resting" in the back of my mind

Appetite is levelling off - somedays i find it hard to get the food in, my jaw hurts eating some meals.

Cals are in the mid 3000 range protein 200 plus practically no fat in the diet and carbs are around 100 - 150g per day.
Any update on your cycle bro?

I'm doing almost the same cycle.

I'm doing 400 mg Test Cyp each week and 375 mg Deca each week.

I just started week 4 of my cycle and i'm feeling great.

By now your cycle should be over or almost over and you're probably in PCT. did it go. How much bigger did you get? What week did you really peak from the gear?



"Pain is just weakness leaving your body!"
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