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Bill Starr's 5 x 5 program... Variation per Madcow2 (thanx) So here it is! K up now!

Re: Bill Starr's 5 x 5 program... Variation per Madcow2 (thanx) So here it is! K up n

ah also i did 75 repetitions of calves on a leg press machine and 3x10 barbell shrugs
Re: Bill Starr's 5 x 5 program... Variation per Madcow2 (thanx) So here it is! K up n

I came back from the gym now. sorry korin didnt see your advise before so i said for a change i will do incline...

so today i did Squat 4x5 190lbs, Incline 165lbs deadlifts 255lbs . i am 5.8 weight 183lbs. How does my numbers show? :)

Keep training, those numbers will come up.

Also, don't add a bunch of shit to the program. Do it as is for the first time around, that means no calf raises no shrugs. Stick with the program.

Also, don't change shit around! either do over head press or incline, but don't do both.

Pretty much, as madcow has said many times DON'T FUCK WITH THE PROGRAM!
Re: Bill Starr's 5 x 5 program... Variation per Madcow2 (thanx) So here it is! K up n

YES SIR!!!! ok i will not fuck with it again :) i will stick to military press as i believe it strenghtens the core better than incline. djeclipse, its only 1 month on this program now so as you say the numbers will come up. so i wont feel dissapointed?
Re: Bill Starr's 5 x 5 program... Variation per Madcow2 (thanx) So here it is! K up n

YES SIR!!!! ok i will not fuck with it again :) i will stick to military press as i believe it strenghtens the core better than incline. djeclipse, its only 1 month on this program now so as you say the numbers will come up. so i wont feel dissapointed?

Everyone that sticks with the program as is, has good results with this program. Numbers go up on all lifts. Some people can string 8-12 weeks adding weight to the bar making PR's.

The question "how are my numbers" is kind of pointless. Strength is all relative, you shouldn't be lifting for anyone but yourself, worry about your lifts, making Pr's, not how you compare to others. if you are always looking to compare to others you will always be disappointed, as there is always someone that can lift, pull, push more weight then you can.

To put it into perspective, there are powerlifters weighing in at 180 that can deadlift well over 500lbs. Don't worry about how you compare, just lift for yourself, make personal gains and your numbers will go up.
Re: Bill Starr's 5 x 5 program... Variation per Madcow2 (thanx) So here it is! K up n

my problem is with food though. i dont have any time to cook,so i eat whatever my wife or mother-in law cooks. very clean foods i mean with pure ingredients but ok sometimes not the best for keep shape. anyway i will write later about my progress
Re: Bill Starr's 5 x 5 program... Variation per Madcow2 (thanx) So here it is! K up n

my problem is with food though. i dont have any time to cook,so i eat whatever my wife or mother-in law cooks. very clean foods i mean with pure ingredients but ok sometimes not the best for keep shape. anyway i will write later about my progress

Start a new thread, about personal gains/ questions.
Re: Bill Starr's 5 x 5 program... Variation per Madcow2 (thanx) So here it is! K up n

Im about to start this 5x5. IM adding pullups on wednesday though. I know ur not supposed to fuck with it but im a lean guy (10%BF) and i can only do 12 pullups. fuck that

Chins are supposed to be done on Wed, it is part of the program.
Re: Bill Starr's 5 x 5 program... Variation per Madcow2 (thanx) So here it is! K up n

Chins are supposed to be done on Wed, it is part of the program.

Oh it doesnt say on geocities madcows 5x5 it said situps assistance work, i changed it to chinups.

Quick question on the 5x5, I'm in week 5 of PCT would it be ideal to start the 5x5 now and should i see my strength increase with the program even tho I'm still in PCT? I'm eating enough (3500 to 4000calories a day). Just want to see how my test levels/estro levels/cortisol levels might affect my gains.

IM on clomid 50mg/day, sustain alpha, UNLEASHED and aromasin 125mg E3D
Re: Bill Starr's 5 x 5 program... Variation per Madcow2 (thanx) So here it is! K up n

Oh it doesnt say on geocities madcows 5x5 it said situps assistance work, i changed it to chinups.

Quick question on the 5x5, I'm in week 5 of PCT would it be ideal to start the 5x5 now and should i see my strength increase with the program even tho I'm still in PCT? I'm eating enough (3500 to 4000calories a day). Just want to see how my test levels/estro levels/cortisol levels might affect my gains.

IM on clomid 50mg/day, sustain alpha, UNLEASHED and aromasin 125mg E3D

I would ask those questions in the anabolic forum, I know nothing about them.

But Good training is good training regardless of what you are or aren't putting into your body.
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