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Best way to loss overall body fat?

Re: How about this...

rugger said:
You are wasting these guys' time. They offer appear to refuse...What do you mean you can't do cardio in the AM before school-RUN. What do you mean you can't eat during school-MRP shake or bar. LUNCH-I'm sure your schedule allows plenty of time you just don't care.

You want to be spoon-fed, you want someone to hold your hand, so piss off.


first, I never said I can't run before school. when yum suggested the idea of running before school, i agreed and asked him how long I should run. Learn to read please before you flame. 2nd, I have 8 classes to cover in approximately 6 hours and 45 minutes. do the math will ya?
another thing rugger, I NEVER said I can't eat protein bars during school, I said I can't eat PROPER lunch during school. rugger, you are one negative son of a bitch. get your head out of your ass and read the whole thread without skipping a word before you flame.
brother, you are a jackass, lemme be the one to tell you. rugger is on the money.
ignorant is fine little boy. in case you were wondering, that's what it is when you just plain don't know. no harm in it, so long as you listen and keep QUIET except to ask questions and say thank you.
beligerant is when you don't know, ask questions, and will not take guidance, wich in this case is sound.
i work 8-12 hours a day, depends on what the job calls for, and i too am a full time student...not some bullshit college, law school, full time. and i MAKE the time to eat and work out, because I WANT IT THAT BAD.
either take what's been more than nicely spoon fed to you, or get the fuck out. this board is for people who are dedicated to help each other, not pre-pubescent little whiners who can't be bothered running if it isn't on their favorite treadmill in front of jerry springer.
btw, i have gone from 42% bf to 21% bf in three months doing EXACTLY what i was told on these types of're lucky you didn't post this horseshit on musclemag, they'd a ripped you an ass about 20 posts ago.
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I wanna know why you can't eat a proper lunch at school ? It is not because you don't have time to eat at school cause that is BS...You have lunch and between classes to eat and I know for a fact that you do not have 8 classes back to back with no break. Second, if you do not have time to prepare your meals to eat at school in the morn before you leave then make them the night before and take them to school with you, it's that simple. Stop making excuses and just do it!

try not eating that many carbs, have some all bran cereal in the morning or something with low fat milk, and a bunch of egg whites, then stick to low carb, high protein, moderate fat for the rest of the day, do cardio no more than 5 times a week, 40 min. per session
also, add a HITtraining routine to your week that'd workout well i think, like two-three days of heavy lifting, focusing on compund movement excercises like deadlifts, squiats, military press, bench press... etc...
drink lots of water... try and get Xenadrine, if you're budgeting as most of us youngsters are, try and get some cheap ass ECA stack that'd work well
my 0.02 cents buddy... if anything i said is somehow wrong, please correct me... i mean any of you "the guys that know lots"

Gerardo *
the_paradise_garage said:
try not eating that many carbs, have some all bran cereal in the morning or something with low fat milk, and a bunch of egg whites, then stick to low carb, high protein, moderate fat for the rest of the day, do cardio no more than 5 times a week, 40 min. per session
also, add a HITtraining routine to your week that'd workout well i think, like two-three days of heavy lifting, focusing on compund movement excercises like deadlifts, squiats, military press, bench press... etc...
drink lots of water... try and get Xenadrine, if you're budgeting as most of us youngsters are, try and get some cheap ass ECA stack that'd work well
my 0.02 cents buddy... if anything i said is somehow wrong, please correct me... i mean any of you "the guys that know lots"

Gerardo *

That is good info but at his age I would really try to stay away from E/C/A for now and if he does choose to take it then use the minimum dose. That stuff can be very dangerous if not used correctly

You just can't go without any food during that entire time you are at school. Here is the problem with missing meals for long periods of time, and it is the reason why people that go on starvation diets often don't lose much and gain it all back the minute they slip: Their metabolism slows way down and goes into starvation mode.

Believe it or not you can actually lose much more fat by consuming more calories, by spacing those calories out into several smaller meals.

You can make a meat sandwich or sandwiches at home and take it to school. Wolf them down between classes and wash them down with skim milk and lots of water.

Always have a good breakfast including lots of complex carbs like oatmeal or other non sugared cereal. This is very important to get your metabolism moving. Fruit is ok with breakfast, but not too much. Eggs with breakfast are great, if you can leave out some of the yolks it is better since yolks contain lots of fat.

Cardio is great for fat loss but the best way to lose fat is to do both cardio and weight training. Lifting weights increases your metabolism by allowing you to build lean mass (muscle). Each pound of muscle you gain will burn 30 extra calories every day. That means you can eat more without putting on fat.

If you can get up in the am and run for 1/2 hour before breakfast, your metabolism will stay high the rest of the day. Doing cardio also helps get your metabolism up, which is one of the reasons why it is good to do it in the morning before eating. Another reason is that in the am before eating your body is low on glycogen, and you can burn a high percentage of fat by exercising at this time.

Good luck.
px1138 said:

never heard of animalbolics eh? worked very well for some, including my self, but hey, we're pure retarded.
I guess so...I have never heard of that diet before but how the hell can you justify going from 9am in the morn to 5pm at night with no food and nothing except water ? Sounds stupid to me and will only end up doing more harm then good

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