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best gear for wrestling?

uou/amaf, you are classic, bro. Only someone of your caliber could do such a cycle. First, you post 250mg of Winny. You are the only one who posts their Winny intake by the week, instead of by the day or EOD like everyone else. On top of that, I used a calculator to calculate 250mg a week. You know, that comes to about 35.71mg a day. How do you do it bro'?
badass, that's what they have down for mg, so i put it down as a weekly dose, instead of overdosing and using it all up.
This kills me........I knew you were young but had no clue you were in highschool. Get off you pedistal for a second and listen to some of the older , experienced guys here......strengthmonster for example.
I wrestled ( and still do ) for over 25 years. I am 38 now and know a little about this subject. I was 2 two time California state champ and wrestled division 1 in college. I wrestled in the NCAA tourny twice and placed once.
I am currently a highschool coach and assist at the college so try to listen.
Trying to force the body to go up in weight for wrestling in ri-cock-ulous ! The gear you say you are on has you holding water anyway. Do you know the difference between actual weight and wrestling weight ?. I first read this and gad to re-read it to make sure it was what I was reading.
So you are a whopping #152 !!!.......I quarrentee that if you were training corrrectly for wrestling, and putting your time in on the mat, your body will be back to your original #145.
You might be able ( I doubt it ) to beat out your #170 lb team mate, but you will get hammered in a real match.
The reason I am so hard on you is because I can see you are not a true wrestler. A true wrestlers season really never ends. You mention camp !!.....what about freestyle, greco, ect....all the off season things that real wrestlers do to better theirselves. There are only a handful of intense camps in the nation, and we know you didn`t go there.
There is no easy way out for a wrestler, no excuses, no one to point fingers at but yourself.
Maybe you might want to think about H2O polo, that is where the "FISH" play.
The best wrestling tip anyone can give you is to always try to massage your opponents genitals while on the mat. It throws them off. Try it and let us know how it goes.
You need to take the experience you received this summer getting poked in the ass repeatedly by the guy who sold you the gear. Just apply some of the techniques he used to restrain you and you should be set.
Also, I think you'll find it beneficial to try and maintain and erection during your match while wearing that skin-tight wrestling get-up. In fact, you may want to consider cutting a hole in the genital region of the uniform. This will allow you to efficiently use your erection as a poking device. Go for his eyes dude.
Oh, and one last thing. If you can urinate in your uniform just as you begin the match (make sure he sees you do it), you'll be giving yourself a huge advantage. Guys don't like to grapple with people covered in urine. Trust me on that one. Hope that helps and good luck.
i know what you mean mechanic... but i have work, and summer wrestling was impossible. i wrestled for about 2yrs in my life, i am russian, which means i pretty much have the genetics to wrestle. i have cousins who are state champions, but they've been wrestling since they were small. my record for junior year was 15-4. i lost 2 in a tournament, and i lost the other two in matches.
Great advice Nathon!! UOU, make sure you massage his cock as well. So many people go srtaight for the balls and forget about the cock. You have to utilize both to be the master!!
...besides, the roids cant fuck me up. Im too damn powerful!"



Nice pic amaf you should try out for the WWF
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