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Back to the Powerlifting Split... Some help?


New member
Goal: lose fat, gain strength, maintain muscle.

Will be a Push/Pull/Legs routine that part is non-negotiable :)

#1 Pull
#2 Push
#3 OFF
#4 Legs
#5 OFF
#6 OFF
#7 Repeat


Deadlifts 6x(135lbs*10, 225*5, 315*5, 365*5, 405*5,435*3)
Pullups 3x failure
Hammer Strength Row/ Barbell Row (8/6/4)
Cable Row (8/6)
SLDL (12/8)
Leg curl (8,6)
BB curl (5,5,20)
30 min cardio


Bench Press 6x (135*10, 185*5, 205*5, 225*5, 245*5, 260*3)
Incline DB press (12, 8, 6)
Military press (10, 8, 6)
cable crosses (15, 15)
side laterals (15, 12, 10)
french press/Dips (12, 10, 8)
1 arm reverse cable (12, 12, 10)
30 min cardio

hamstrings on pull day remember ;)
Barbell Squats 6x (135*20, 225*12, 315*5, 335*5, 365*5, 395*3)
Hack Squats (12, 10, 8)
Leg extension (12, 10, 10)
Standing calf (3 sets of 12)
Seated calf (3 sets of 15)
30 min cardio (don't ask me how, but I will... ugh!)

This is meant to be a grueling workout, heavy, hard, but alot of rest through the weak. I will also be running 2-3 mi 3x a week.
hey bro,
i like your routine. it looks good. some people will frown on your back day though. but it seems to free up time for you quads and calves on leg day. just becareful about the back day taking to long to finish. and becareful not to hurt your back doing 2 different types of dl on the same day.

6 sets on bench press? you might want to drop a set of incline if you are going to do so many on flat bench.

that's my $.02. good luck. let us know how you feel on the routine.
Yeah the SLDL will be pretty darn hard on my lower back but I really like it. I will give it a shot and do SLDL lighter than I usually would. I'm trying to keep the workout fairly simple. 6 sets of bench extreme, yes... but I'm not going even close to failure until the 5th and 6th set. same with deads and squats.
do you intend to compete in powerlifting?

anyone who is a powerlifter would suggest:

sunday: dynamic squat
monday: dynamic bench
wednesday: max squat
thurday: max bench

But i myself would rather go with something like the 3X3 method.

have a look at that steve korte stuff.

if not a power to the people style routine. I was very impressed when i bought this book. some far out ideas......a lot of people will diss it. Its basically a 4-5 times a week work out that only uses 2 or 3 exercises (he advocates a side press and dead lift)
you only do two sets of five every day. Its a pure strength only program.
they sell it on elite fitness systems (the westside guys) so that tells you something.

I would also cut out the assistance stuff.......but hey thats just me. im not a pro or anything so i wouldnt take my word as gold
Haven't decided if I will compete in powerlifting yet, that's down the road. I'm wanting to get stronger and lose some fat while running a lot. I'm going to boot camp in 2 months (AIR FORCE). What I do know is that I will eventually do a bodybuilding contest. Although I do not like the vanity involved in the sport so I may take up powerlifting.

The Westside Barbell guys definetly know what they are doing. I'm looking for a quick and hard routine that is based on powerlifting movements... the core compound movements.
"Although I do not like the vanity involved in the sport so I may take up powerlifting. "

we were talking about this today.

body building=eating dissorder, muscle dysmorphia and vanity problems
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