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Anyone catch Raw (11/07/05)? Matt Hardy...


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Just watching Raw...
and guess who comes out to beat up Edge?
Matt Hardy!

Yeah, it's all fixed, but it all seemed pretty f'n real...
Hardy was handcuffed and kept shouting out, "WWE can kiss my ass!"

So, Matt Hardy's back?
I don't feel like fighting the pop ups 2 check the insider boards, but that'd be my guess.

They didn't realize what they had until he was gone...

Actually...WWE may have made its best move ever by firing Matt a few months ago... Because he is so over and gets monsters pops now. That dude is going to be selling!!!

I guess we didn't realize what we had until he was gone.
i was there live for it and the crowds general reaction was "i know this stuffs scripted but that was real/wasnt supposed to happen/etc" obviously the angle as far as matt showing up was planned but the events and backstory that led to this are all legit, and WWE did a great job of keeping this a secret and really making fans second guess the angle...i havent heard a reaction to an angle like this (as far as was that real/disbelief/etc) since scott hall showed up on nitro in may of 96....props to vince....hardy got a MONSTER pop btw when he appeared
Basically, the story behind the Matt, Lita, Edge drama is all real. Him being fired is real. her cheating is real.
Matt coming back for revenge, is a work.
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