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Advice needed for a friend...


New member
This is the 3rd time I've tried to post this and I don't know where my posts are going...anyway long story short, a friend , who has never lifted before has about 40lbs of fat to lose. She has been advised basically to cut before she starts lifting . She is weighing 170 now and has been told not to lift until she is 150. I have been lifting a long time and have lost baby fat by diet and lifting post childbirth x2. So I feel that one should lift do HIIT and diet. However I've never had that much fat to lose. Other points of view wanted please :heart:
That doesn't make sense to me. What if you are 150 and 30% body fat, do you have to get your bf down to 20% before you can lift?

See Bunny's before and after pictures. She is excellent proof as to why that doesn't make any sense.
she need to be lifting and foloowing a strict diet with minimal cardio.

^^^the key to success
My thoughts exactly. But she got advice from so called experts. All I have to go by is my own personal expeirence which is weightlifting =fatloss. Thanks for the input.
She definiately needs to be lifting to firm up those muscles, and skin, after losing 20lbs without weight training, she's going to have lose skin all over the place.
I lost 15 pounds in 3 months merely by lifting weights. This was about 5 years ago.

I would say with lifting weights + a tight diet = fat loss. THEN when she plateaus, add in some/more cardio..... By going balls to the wall too early, she could burn herself out too early, then give up or be so overtrained, she also gives up.....
Personally I disagree with waiting on cardio for fat loss. It has a place in a balanced diet & training routine. Personally I cannot achieve significant fat loss w/o some cardio. But as a caveat I am NOT saying shitloads of cardio, but SOME cardio.
That is truly the most absurd advice I've read. Let's say you take two folks (let's make them identical twins) and put them on exactly the same diet. One of them does cardio only, and the other one burns an equal amount of energy lifting weights. Who will lose more weight?? The cardio twin most likely. This is because muscle weihs more than fat and the cardio twin is doing little to retain/build muscle. But if you measured FATloss instead of WEIGHTloss you wouldlikely find they both lose a similar amount of fat. After several months on this diet, the cardio twin will have less muscle mass than the weight training twin, will have a lower metabolism as a result and so will be more likely to gain fat back if she eats the same calories as her now quite buff twin. The cardio twin will also prolly have a higher PERCENT bodyfat than her twin even though she may actually weigh less on the scales. So which would your friend rather be...buff or "skinny-fat"?

Not to mention that the higher your bodyfat, the easier it is to add new muscle. So what's she waiting for?
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