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A fellow brother in need of help...

FknKnuckleHd said:
This is what friends are for..........thanks again....see you tomorrow.

God Bless You,
One day at a time bro, one day at a time.....

And if you don't have a doctor you can talk to about this , get one, and if he doesn't make you feel comfortable, listen to your problems, and give you help? Then get another one. It took me 40 years to learn that your doctor should be one of your closest confidants.
One day at a time is good advice. I too had a vicodin/loritab/valium problem...a few years ago, it went through all of the local bars around here like a hurricane. Well, I ran out one day and decided I was tired of shaking all of the time, so I just stopped. Everything. I can tell you that for about a month it was pure hell, but I knew that I would eventually get back to being myself, and I did. I know how you feel's a bitch.

Best of luck and be strong bro...don't let some stupid little pill beat you down.
I think you're doing the right thing. Leaning on your girl and having her be a part of this will help greatly with the amount of support you are getting. Keep grinding and you will get stronger with every passing day. We are all pulling for you!
I know he is not a medical doc but I think I remember seeing something about this type of pain med addiction on a Dr. Phil episode awhile back (I was just flipping through the channels) ;) He said that this type of addiction is not something you can kick by yourself without meds in a detox program to help you. I would say admitting that you have a problem is the biggest step, which you have taken. Seek professional help ASAP before this stuff ruins your life, which it will. Good bro and let us know how it goes.
PERP69 said:
I know he is not a medical doc but I think I remember seeing something about this type of pain med addiction on a Dr. Phil episode awhile back (I was just flipping through the channels) ;) He said that this type of addiction is not something you can kick by yourself without meds in a detox program to help you. I would say admitting that you have a problem is the biggest step, which you have taken. Seek professional help ASAP before this stuff ruins your life, which it will. Good bro and let us know how it goes.

Dr. Phil is a jackass! What does he know about drug abuse? You can kick opiates cold turkey unless you're in progressive stages of physical addiction which can take years. When my friend's grandma died from cancer when I was younger, he gave me two full 24 oz. bottles of liquid morphine that she was taking for her pain. I binged on that shit for over 2 months. I got sick of it cause I couldn't piss right so I quit cold turkey. There were physical withdrawls, but I got over it; nothing that was even close to being fatal. One of my psyc professors worked with heroin addicts that got addicted in vietnam and korea during the war. He said the best way for most of them to quit was cold turkey, which may be contrary to popular belief in some cases, but mentally, the most effective way. It's how I've quit all my old drug habits because everytime I try to "wean" off of them, it never works.
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