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8th cycle advice


New member
215 lbs
38 yrs old
9% bf
6 meals a day
1gallon of water daily

Meal 1
3 egg white 1 whole egg
1/2 cup oats
8oz chicken or fish or sirloin

Meal 2
Ump shake 2 scoops

Post workout meal 3
8oz chicken or fish or sirloin
1 1/2 cup veggies
6oz sweet potatoe or 2 slices P28 bread

Meal 4 ump shake 2 scoops

Meal 5
8oz chk fish or sirloin
2 cups veggies

Meal 6
Ump shake 2 scoops

Currently getting ready to start 10 week cycle.

Week 1 -6
Sust 300: 600mg wkly
EQ 300: 600mg wkly
Dbol 25mg ed
Aromasin 25 mg twice per week
Week 6-10
Same but drop dbol!

I have legit proviron on hand as well as clomid, tamaxofin, letrizole and anistrazole.

Not sure when to add proviron if at all and would like some help with a solid PCT before commencing cycle.

Ive been a member here for a couple years now, however I'm not much for convo or interactions due to my busy schedule and well vested antisocial personality. Lol
I have gotten really solid advise over the years from Radar and a couple other longtime members.

Experienced suggestions are welcomed wholeheartedly
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Impressive stats! 215 @ 9% is no joke.

Radar is legit, he's been around this game longer than most guys have been alive.

I sense that most guys are going to suggest running the oils longer than 10 weeks.

Personally I would replace 2 of those shake meals with solid food and put away 2+ gallons of water a day. BUT with your stats, you have found what works for you...and if it does then no need to fix what ain't broken.

Well done.
I appreciate that.
I am transitioning into replacing one shake with solid food for my cycle. I think I am mentally prepared to add at this point.
Upping the water intake may take some more focus though.

I do well with 10 week or shorter cycles and would like to stick with it but again, I am on the fence about proviron. Is it overkill with the aromasin? Would it be better left off until pct time?
I have not had any prior experience with it. Hoping those that have will throw me a bone.
if you like short cycles id highly reccomend doing thimks like npp, tren a, test prop and other short ester injectables as well as orals. this will give you optimal results in short periods
I appreciate that.
I am transitioning into replacing one shake with solid food for my cycle. I think I am mentally prepared to add at this point.
Upping the water intake may take some more focus though.

I do well with 10 week or shorter cycles and would like to stick with it but again, I am on the fence about proviron. Is it overkill with the aromasin? Would it be better left off until pct time?
I have not had any prior experience with it. Hoping those that have will throw me a bone.

About a year ago (on the advice of my coach) I started with Crystal Light. I can now easily (no pun intended) put away 3 gallons a day. They have a lot of choices of flavor and (if you're in the US) Wal Mart has it CHEAP. We use it right up until a week before a show. Nuun is another one I've heard is good.
My last cycle I ran eq at 900/week for 16 weeks. Felt like was a waste of money.
But ya eq takes a while to feel 10 weeks is really short
215 lbs
38 yrs old
9% bf
6 meals a day
1gallon of water daily

Meal 1
3 egg white 1 whole egg
1/2 cup oats
8oz chicken or fish or sirloin

Meal 2
Ump shake 2 scoops

Post workout meal 3
8oz chicken or fish or sirloin
1 1/2 cup veggies
6oz sweet potatoe or 2 slices P28 bread

Meal 4 ump shake 2 scoops

Meal 5
8oz chk fish or sirloin
2 cups veggies

Meal 6
Ump shake 2 scoops

Currently getting ready to start 10 week cycle.

Week 1 -6
Sust 300: 600mg wkly
EQ 300: 600mg wkly
Dbol 25mg ed
Aromasin 25 mg twice per week
Week 6-10
Same but drop dbol!

I have legit proviron on hand as well as clomid, tamaxofin, letrizole and anistrazole.

Not sure when to add proviron if at all and would like some help with a solid PCT before commencing cycle.

Ive been a member here for a couple years now, however I'm not much for convo or interactions due to my busy schedule and well vested antisocial personality. Lol
I have gotten really solid advise over the years from Radar and a couple other longtime members.

Experienced suggestions are welcomed wholeheartedly

I would up your Micros, add some Flax Seed, a mixture of nuts (no larger than a handfull) And for the liver, Cranberry Juice but don't neglect your water, taurine, Milk Thistle or other (liv 52).
Thanks for the input guys. I will be busting my ass this year to be better than the last year. EZ_E I will try that out for sure. Trying to incorporate more water intake can be much harder than it sounds.

Radar. As always your nutrition advise is much appreciated. I got flax seed and milk thistle on deck.

Thanks again
Thanks for the input guys. I will be busting my ass this year to be better than the last year. EZ_E I will try that out for sure. Trying to incorporate more water intake can be much harder than it sounds.

Radar. As always your nutrition advise is much appreciated. I got flax seed and milk thistle on deck.

Thanks again

I like you're thinking bossman. Aside from going to the bathroom a lot the flavored water makes it easy to put away 2-3 gallons a day.
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