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2 steroid stack thoughts


New member
Here is my next steroid run
I’m 50 years old
6’1’’ 220 pounds
Trenbolone enanthate 200mgs a week
Testosterone propionate 150mgs a week
Gonna be a nice conservative tren run
My questions are twofold
first should I run this 8 weeks or should I push it up to 12 weeks?
my next question is would this type of cycle and me being my age do you think I should be monitoring my blood pressure everyday or would once a week be okay
i would not run tren 12 weeks man.. 8-10 weeks is plenty

as far as your bp, thats up to you.. i do not find any logical sense using tren at 50 years old, even at a lower dose...
Here is my next steroid run
I’m 50 years old
6’1’’ 220 pounds
Trenbolone enanthate 200mgs a week
Testosterone propionate 150mgs a week
Gonna be a nice conservative tren run
My questions are twofold
first should I run this 8 weeks or should I push it up to 12 weeks?
my next question is would this type of cycle and me being my age do you think I should be monitoring my blood pressure everyday or would once a week be okay
12 weeks with trenbolone is a good idea and get n2guard and cardarine for trenbolone sides

20mgs cardarine
7caps n2guard
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