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I just woke up... Its Saturday Bishes.

Increasing the Font for Smurf.
Just woke up from a full night's sleep and feelin, well, like Tony Robbins Good...
Was all enthused last night bout the cultural dynamic of C&C, then somewhere midway into that 2nd joint, I totally felt a strong 'force like intuition to watch movies and call peeps up'. Som
e real, real bad convo ensued that I now realize I feel bad for calling a dude up in Florida just to give him a shout out at 2am his time. I didn't quite get the welcome I wanted. Oh well, bish. lol
So today its makeup workout in the gym, grocery store, study, and then going out with married peeps for dinner and a movie, haven't seen a movie in like 3 years. What the hell is up with you for this Saturday as we close out this Month?

Dude is it me, or did this month fly by fast as hell?

cant read this lol

but im going to the gym, the grocery store, then home to straighten up a bit and my aunt and cousin are coming over later to check out my new pad and we'll likely go out for dinner
Twice this week I have smoked, yeah you are right I gotta cut down a little,
LOL, I luv Samoth. You are right, I gotta cut down the name dropping. I think its a midwest thing where I have to drop the exact precise feeling that I have at the moment or blurt out precisely the first thing in my dome. Yeah, now I wanna explore the hypothesis that in the midwest, you are likely to get a more empirical, honest answer to How Are You, then the west or east coast. Ya know? An answer the actually told other peeps bout the shit in their day. Yeah, good Pew Forum topic. LOL,
Have a good one Professor.

Wait, what? Whose name are you dropping? I just like discussions about drugs.

You seem to incorporate a level of slang into your posts that makes them hard for me to understand sometimes. It's rather interesting.

study study 4 days I make the USMLE my bitch...
In 4 years will I feel your pain.
Dude you are gonna kick that thing in the ass.
You'll probably place out in the 90% bracket.
I should karma bookie your score, I'll put the house down that you cover, Macgyver.
That show might've been before your time Doogie, ask me or your honey, we can fill U in. LOL
In 4 years will I feel your pain.
Dude you are gonna kick that thing in the ass.
You'll probably place out in the 90% bracket.
I should karma bookie your score, I'll put the house down that you cover, Macgyver.
That show might've been before your time Doogie, ask me or your honey, we can fill U in. LOL

He's totally gonna own that exam, no question. He's uber smart. for realz yo. I totally admire that in him. exceptional i tell ya
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