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Did you know that joint pain is the #1 problem that all weight lifters face universally? Joint pain is mostly caused by micro-injuries around the joints involving the tendons, bursae, ligamentos, and other soft tissues. Medical professionals tend to categorize the issue as arthritis, specifically osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. They aim to help such patients by writing them prescriptions for anti-inflammatories, which can do more harm than good.
The problem is that most of us just accept joint pain as 'a part of weight training' that cannot be controlled. Neste artigo, I’m going to let you in on one of my favorite stacks that not only helps with joint pain but also prevents it from existing in the first place.
Why do weight lifters get joint problems?
When we lift weights and build mass, all that extra muscle can put pressure on joints that we otherwise would not experience, unless we were to work in a labor-extensive job such as construction. Another reason is, when we lift more weight than we should, we tend to 'cheat' by making joints do the work rather than the muscles. There is also a genetic element where those with longer and lankier limbs tend to experience issues in their knees and elbows since their range of motion is longer. Those with smaller limbs usually have joint issues in other parts of the body, like the hips, ankles, and neck/back.
Unknown, even if you do everything right and take your time building strength and mass, you can still experience joint issues for the simple reason that you get small micro-injuries to your soft tissues surrounding the joints. This causes the body to release inflammation and will make your joints very prone to pain. These issues seem to multiply as we age, so if you start experiencing problems early in life, the situation won’t get better unless you take action.
Ostarine (MK-2866) é um modulador do receptor de andrógeno seletiva (SARM) that was developed by a company called GTx to help with muscle wasting, especially in those who have an illness. It works by selectively binding to the androgen receptor and creating anabolic activity within the bones and muscles.
Weight lifters and bodybuilders started using Ostarine in the late 2000s, when it became widely available for research purposes. They noticed being able to gain lean muscle mass and some strength, while also cutting body fat down.
Another thing that guys and gals started noticing when experimenting with Ostarine is its ability to prevent and treat minor overuse injuries, especially within the joints. Ostarine does this by affecting the bone and skeletal muscle tissues in an anabolic nature. It has been considered for treating problems like osteoporosis and arthritis as an off-label safe alternative, because it’s not a drug that comes with nasty side effects.
Por estas razões, Ostarine is a great choice stacking into a cycle and also being used off-cycle.
We also want to discuss a product called N2JointRx. It’s a natural supplement formula designed to provide the building blocks to not only reverse the wear you put on your body, but also rebuild damage to your joints and surrounding soft tissues. It contains many ingredients, which you can learn more about below.
Vitamin A, Vitamina C, Vitamin D3, Vitamina E, Vitamin K2, Calcium, Zinco, Selênio, Manganese Sulfate: These vitamins and minerals are essential to help your body heal from small nagging micro-injuries that you will suffer in the weight room. They do this by converting food into energy and repairing cellular damage. Many people have a difficult time getting enough of these in their diet due to soil depletion and/or poor diet. Infelizmente, the issue gets worse as we age.
Copper: When you overstretch your connective tissues, then this element will help them reshape and avoid injuries by forming elastin.
Chromium: Rapidly helps the body repair and recover after a grueling workout.
Glucosamine Sulfate: One of the most-popular joint compounds, because it helps with cartilage, arthritis, and repairing injuries.
Chondroitin Sulfate: Great for boosting cartilage and preventing it from being worn down. Many older athletes are missing cartilage, because they neglected this supplement.
Cissus Quadrangularis Extract: A natural antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation and repair.
MSM: Great for treating and preventing arthritis and naturally dealing with inflammation.
Hyaluronic Acid: Excellent for lubricating the joints.
Now you see why N2JointRx is an important addition to your weight training.
Ultimate joint stack
Ostarine and N2JointRx work great for joints by themselves; but just imagine what happens when you combine both. Athletes who are suffering from joint pain report feeling much better within days after starting to use this stack. Those who take a more-proactive approach and use it while weight training report fewer injuries and faster recovery from their workouts.
We recommend using Ostarine at 25mgs per day and N2JointRx at 5 tablets per day (30 porções). This stack will typically run 4-12 semanas. You will need a mini-PCT after using Ostarine for longer than 4 semanas. This mini-PCT should be N2Generate at 5 capsules per day for 4 semanas. You can continue using N2JointRx year-round, but Ostarine should be cycled 4-12 semanas depois e 4-8 weeks off to avoid suppression.
To purchase Ostarine, check out our forums at e
To purchase N2JointRx, please go to
More Videos about N2JointRX and Ostarine.
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Seu em esporte,
George Spellwin
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