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Workout routine

Robert schmer

New member
So I have been doing this rountie of give to six Weeks of lifting and doing Cardio after my lift.then for a week I take a break from lifting and do Cardio only .when I go back to lifting again I change up my rountie ( example: use Smith machine to do chest instead of dumbbell).. My problem is that iam finding they after the third week the pump isn't as intense. I like to take the break it does wonders for me but also thinking that a eight week stretch would be ideal as well. Do four Weeks of lifting switch for another four Weeks of using different type of weights.been doing this for over a year...
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Post your routine, brief stats, and your goals. There are a couple of things you can do to keep things fresh.
my routine changes a little everytime i go to the gym. i start with cardio and think about what i'm going to and mix it up in my head compared to what i did the previous time i worked the muscle group. also it depends whats open when i get to that exercise.

for example yesterday i was doing legs yesterday and my plan was squats, dead lifts, lunges, leg press. The squat racks were taken so i did lunges for the hell of it and then some other jerk off was doing ab lifts in the squat rack so i did press. By the time i got to squats my quads were burning nicely and it hurt like hell b/c i usually do squats first. My legs were wobbling so bad that deads were almost impossible. I was using a hand rail whenever avail to get my stuff and then out to the car.
my routine changes a little everytime i go to the gym. i start with cardio and think about what i'm going to and mix it up in my head compared to what i did the previous time i worked the muscle group. also it depends whats open when i get to that exercise.

for example yesterday i was doing legs yesterday and my plan was squats, dead lifts, lunges, leg press. The squat racks were taken so i did lunges for the hell of it and then some other jerk off was doing ab lifts in the squat rack so i did press. By the time i got to squats my quads were burning nicely and it hurt like hell b/c i usually do squats first. My legs were wobbling so bad that deads were almost impossible. I was using a hand rail whenever avail to get my stuff and then out to the car.

As they should be lol! My hamstrings are fried from my leg training yesterday, extensions followed by heavy ass presses, then squats in Max Rack, then lying leg curls, then lunges...these hurt after presses & squats, then abductors to finish...then was the dreaded walk up the stairs to the showers.

If you aren't getting a pump after a while, then lift heavier and challenge yourself more...keep hitting it hard and heavy!

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I posted my routine. Just finished my five Weeks of lifting now going to do Cardio for the week to come... I was doing chest first I did flat bench 5 sets 8-12 reps then I did incline same set and reps then decline then cable crossovers.then moved over to triceps doing type pull then one arm pull then machine.I have been going light on triceps have mild tendonitis.... Then bi and back the next day. Which is all isolation exercise for biceps and I do three mid and two lats... I hit it pretty hard resting about 45 seconds between sets.. Its just that by the third Week in my pump isn't as much..I usually feel it the next day About 36 hours after work out my muscle is aching....

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