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Why would anyone choose A-Bombs over Dbol??

needsize said:

I knew the brand I was using was going to come in; the first 7 weeks of that cycle were with ICNs, so the brand had nothing to do with it. But you missed my point, I just dont respond to test. This cycle is a total of 1800mg, 500 each of eq and deca, 800mg of test; which is a very mild cycle for a guy my size, and I made great gains
And super human liver has nothing to do with it. go to a nursing web site and see how anadrol is prescribed, generally someone my size would be prescribed around 200mg a day, for at least 6 months, so 4-6 weeks is not going to cause any significat amount of damage

Bro ... dont kid yourself, there have been bunk batches of ICNs floating around for quite some time now. Also, the quest gear that you always use was the only gear that me and some close friends personally feel was underdosed and did not meet label claims. Point being, ulness you test the gear, you will never really know. I know that you have stated that you gained well of off other quest prods so maybe there are some inconsistancies with different batches, which isnt uncomon with UG labs, and like I say ... unless you tested this, you will never really know for sure.

I personally dont respond well to test either, (don't experience any spactacular gains, but do experience the sides), but jesus, I would sure as hell respond to 2 grams of real test, and the sides would be unreal for me. Like I said earlier, you are right, everyone respondes differntly bro, to a certain degree ... but there is a threshold there too bro. You throw someone 2000mgs of "real" test per week, and with everything else in check, they "should" be growing. I see the "non-responding" thing more when people are taking the average dosages. Usually these people have to bump the dosages up a bit above the norm to really "respond" better to the gear. You have REALLY bumped up the dosage and got zero response which in all honestly makes me question the quality of your gear.

needsize said:
if dbol is stronger per mg, and its a fact, does anyone have any studies they can post a link to so that I can see scientific proof?

Bro, the chances are that there have not been too many studies comapring potency of these two ... its something that is just by common sense known and accepted by people. Look at the history of typical dosages for the 2. You said earlier that a-50s are prescribed at 200mgs/day. Meanwhile you have BODYBUILDERS growing off of 20mgs/day of dbol. What does this tell you about the dosages and potency mg for mg? I really dont know how to make it any clearer bro?

I really dont feel like going out and digging up a study on this for you (agan its like digging up a study on why 1 litre of vodka will get you more wasted than 1 litre of beer - its pretty self explanatory), because its 1 in the morning, and I am getting tired of explaining this. On the flip side ... if you want to show me one study which shows anadrol as being stronger than dbol mg for mg than I will defintaly swallow my pride. Either that, or show me one person who will agree with you.

^^other than alltraps, everyone knows you 2 are joined at the hip.
jubei said:
^^other than alltraps, everyone knows you 2 are joined at the hip.

that is now officially the stupidest comment I have read in a long time, thanks for sharing. Alltraps and I are training partners, so what. Do we need to get into whose ass your head is up?? So far this thread has been a debate, and actually a fairly interesting one. But out of all your posts you havent had anything to add other than inflammatory statements.

Mavy, I never said I didnt get results off the 2 grams, I said i didnt grow. I had noticeable side effects, great strength increases, but no size increases that I could measure.
Maybe I should have worded my comments a little better, instead of arguing what is stronger per mg, I should have worded it more along the lines of "due to the variety of individual responses, you cant say that across the board, everyone will gain more muscle mass using the same of mg's of each". Like I said before, i still prefer dbol, but I have also seen guys that dont respond well to it, blow up off of small amounts of anadrol.
Oh, poor baby, get traps to wipe your tears for you sweetheart. Are you gonna tell everyone that I don't even work out now? I have access to poptarts too dipshit.
jubei said:
Oh, poor baby, get traps to wipe your tears for you sweetheart. Are you gonna tell everyone that I don't even work out now? I have access to poptarts too dipshit.

I have no desire to get into this childish bullshit with you, if you have nothing of value to contribute other than childish insults, then keep it to yourself.
This is the problem with the anabolic board these days, adolescents with nothing better to do than start shit.
mavy and alltraps worked out their disagreement via pms, too bad you dont have either of thier maturity
Okay, I did 5 grams of real upjohn cyp. a week and just couldn't grow. Then I switched to 250mg of quest enth/week and I gained 30 lbs. Now we have both added to this thread.
jubei said:
Okay, I did 5 grams of real upjohn cyp. a week and just couldn't grow. Then I switched to 250mg of quest enth/week and I gained 30 lbs. Now we have both added to this thread.

god, just when i think you cannot get any more retarded, you go and prove me wrong! That isnt anything even remotely close to anything I have ever said. I back up everything I have ever posted and am exactly what I say I am, my progress pics speak for themselves, end of story.
Do you not have anything better to do than pick fights on the internet???? that in itself speaks volumes

Are there no mods around to keep the kids in the sandbox in order?
Wow, why are you so sensitive? You talk about being childish, but you are the one doing the name calling. My earlier posts were honest observations to what was being read, for example:

Not growing off 2000mg of human grade test/week sounds totally unbelievable...period. Saying that mg for mg, drol is signifigantly stronger than dbol goes totally against the commonly held believe about these drugs.
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