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Why would anyone choose A-Bombs over Dbol??

Well I'm not sure about all these other reasons but, I am strongly concidering trying abombs with my next cycle instead of d-bol. I have kicked every cycle off I've ever done with d-bol but, I don't think I can handle the crippling back pump I get from d-bol anymore. I heard a few people say that they don't get that back pump form drol so, that is my reason for wanting to try it. And if it works, that'll be my #1 reason for sticking with it.
Alltraps, why are you taking everything as a personal attack?
jubei said:
Alltraps, you seriously believe that 50mg of anadrol is signifigantly stronger in terms of strength/muslce gain than 50mg of dbol?

like I said earlier, it depends on the individual and how they respond to a particular drug.
I'll use myself as an example. Per mg, test is supposed to be a strong drug, but on its own I can run 2 grams at a time, and not gain anything as I dont respond well to it.
I've seen people that dont respond that well to dbol, blow up on small doses of anadrol
So the point I was trying to make is that you cannot make blanket statements as to how dbol is stronger than anadrol, as it varies between individuals
You can run 2 grams of test a week and not gain? You can't be serious man.
jubei said:
You can run 2 grams of test a week and not gain? You can't be serious man.

completely serious, that was eating 5000 + calories a day, eating over 500 grams of protein a day, and I didnt gain squat. This time I cut the test in half, but added in other stuff instead, and have made awesome gains. And the fact that there are 100s of people following my training approach makes it obvious that training had nothing to do with it
Thats why I say that the blanket statements are not accurate, everyone responds differently to different drugs
jubei said:
You can run 2 grams of test a week and not gain? You can't be serious man.

You see this is the kinda thing that I am talking about. I have no reason not to believe you needsize, that is just very shocking. And ... its also quite unfortunate for you that you have to go over 2 grams of test for it to work. That would really suck! I almost wonder if its the brand that always use. Try using 2grams of karachi sust, ... if you dont respond to 2 grams of that, then thats a real shocker. It also seems like you have a super human liver that dosent get effected by a-50s at 100mgs/day either, talk about being a non-responder for both the good and bad (liver values, and test dosage).

needsize, I agree somewhat with what you are saying that everyone respondes differently, but this is only to a certain degree. Potentcy of a drug does play a role. If 1 person drinks 500mls of beer, and the other drinks 500mls of tequila, the person drinking the tequila in 90% of the time should be more wasted. Why ... because of a higher alchohol content, more potent ml for ml. Most people would need to drink more beer to feel the same effect. Will some people get more wasted off the 500ml of beer? Sure maybe, its possible I guess. Sure people respond differently to different drugs, but comparing the potency of one drug to another is not a blanket statement.

Mavy said:

You see this is the kinda thing that I am talking about. I have no reason not to believe you needsize, that is just very shocking. And ... its also quite unfortunate for you that you have to go over 2 grams of test for it to work. That would really suck! I almost wonder if its the brand that always use. Try using 2grams of karachi sust, ... if you dont respond to 2 grams of that, then thats a real shocker. It also seems like you have a super human liver that dosent get effected by a-50s at 100mgs/day either, talk about being a non-responder for both the good and bad (liver values, and test dosage).

needsize, I agree somewhat with what you are saying that everyone respondes differently, but this is only to a certain degree. Potentcy of a drug does play a role. If 1 person drinks 500mls of beer, and the other drinks 500mls of tequila, the person drinking the tequila in 90% of the time should be more wasted. Why ... because of a higher alchohol content, more potent ml for ml. Most people would need to drink more beer to feel the same effect. Will some people get more wasted off the 500ml of beer? Sure maybe, its possible I guess. Sure people respond differently to different drugs, but comparing the potency of one drug to another is not a blanket statement.


I knew the brand I was using was going to come in; the first 7 weeks of that cycle were with ICNs, so the brand had nothing to do with it. But you missed my point, I just dont respond to test. This cycle is a total of 1800mg, 500 each of eq and deca, 800mg of test; which is a very mild cycle for a guy my size, and I made great gains
And super human liver has nothing to do with it. go to a nursing web site and see how anadrol is prescribed, generally someone my size would be prescribed around 200mg a day, for at least 6 months, so 4-6 weeks is not going to cause any significat amount of damage
if dbol is stronger per mg, and its a fact, does anyone have any studies they can post a link to so that I can see scientific proof?
Needsize, don't ask for scientific proof when you say that you got no results from 2 grams of test/week. I will bet that this is the only time in the history of AAS that this has ever happened.
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