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What's your pet peeve in the gym?

VballPlayer said:
Oh crap wear do I start; I have so many of them. The one I hate the most is smelly people. I have this one dude that goes to my gym, we call him the “Smelly Long Nipple Guy” because he stinks like he has not showered and months and has nipple extensions.

How do I know this you ask? Well, he wears one of those string tank tops that the big guys wear but he is a stinky scrawny little guy. The fact that he wears the string muscle tanks makes it worse because his stank is contact all the pads on the benches and machines directly and seeing 2 inch nipples is a pretty nasty sight too.

I asked the management to kick him out of the gym because he smelled so bad, I was not the only one they had so many complaints they asked him to leave and to shower before he came back to the gym.

I hate smelly people, when one is near me I pull my t-shirt collar up over my nose and make a face like some one just wave dog shit under my nose and wave my hand in front of my face and say “WOW, some one smells like crap.” I don’t care if I offend them because they are offensive with their nasty ass stench.

Granted if the guy is 5’9”, 245 pounds with 5% body fat I just walk buy and do nothing.
Man do I know what you mean. I use to work out at a 24 Hour Fitness here in Vegas and still ocassionaly do, but there was and is this one guy that smells like absolute shit every day. He wears a tank top, has hair like a freakin monkey everywhere, he's bald and looks like that guy in the game Mouse trap that does that flippy thing when the marble hits him. Anyways the smell just goes everywhere and it literally makes you gag. I want to punch this fucker in his face but I don't want to get banned for that shit. Anyways I am think of buying the stinky man a thing of deoderant just to give him a clue. Oh yeah the other thing that bothers me is when a dumb fuck walks up to you and asks so what are you cycling brotha? Like I am gonna go oh I am on test and fina blah blah blah shut the fuck up loser and beat it. Oh well that's it I guess.
There is a guy at my gym that goes there with the purpose of talking on his cellular phone and working out at the same time. He has head phones for his cellular and he will make a call before he starts working out and he is talking on the phone the entire time. It's as if he has a bunch of extra minutes that he has to use and he is trying to get his money's worth. - cbeaks
I hate this one guy at my gym who uses all the small plates when he benches.I mean if he is benching say 225,instead of simply having 2 45lb plates on each side,he will use all 10 and 5 lb plates so the people that actually need them can't use them because that dumbass has them all on his bar.Pisses me the fuck off!
people who don't restack their own weight, They come to the gym to train and are to lazy to put away a few plates, what assholes
that same old guy that is always in the locker room. everytime you go in there he is buck naked has one leg up on the seat and has a towl drying of his ass!!:sick: i really think he gets up in the morning and says "well i think i will go to the gym today and stuff a towl up my ass"!
Looking up and with a flamer giving you "eye"

I can't stand the damn flamers that are in the freeweight area. If they are so fem why don't they hang out with the women. I hatE the acting bs. A guy that I know is gay - he said he can't stand the "gay acting bullshit". He said they make us all look like aholes! I agree - Lift and let llift .Don't be staring at my ass or nutz you cocksucker.

Ditto on everything but also the skinny guy that weighs 130lb wearing a tanktop and is constantly staring at himself in the mirror!!
i'm with zyglamail on two different points.

1. some tard that is pressing 40 pounders and slams them tothe ground after grunting as loud as possible. (if i were only pressing 40's, i'd be as quite as possible hoping noone would notice me)

2. more of a peeve of mine. guys who press the dumbels i do and slam them to the ground. after being slammed to the ground a few times, they loosen up just enough to pinch the skin on your hand between the thumb and index finger. the plates shift just enough to pinch you and give you those blood blisters.

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