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what is the most powerful steroid mg per mg

mg for mg i know that dbols are the strongest. im sorry but nothing else at 30mg a day (210mg/WK) blows me up as much as dbols. bnot test not androl not fina not winny not deca. dbols are the strongest MG for MG. i would like to hear any1 trying to rebout that.
Mg per mg it's dbol hands down. Let's see 40mg dbol/day for 4 weeks that's 280mg/week will put on 20lbs on me (granted some of it is water). Is there anything else that will do that? NO.

Strength wise, there are better alternatives, but size is "the breakfast of champions."

Hugh Gellatts said:
the mg per mg effectiveness question is a little skewed towards orals, since the 17aa gives them a longer half-life in the body. Once released from the ester, non 17aa steroids will be cleared after passing through the liver once, whereas stuff like winstrol is not, thus giving a higher total blood level at any given time.

That being said I'll go with anavar. 100mg of anavar a day will completely change your body comp in a matter of weeks.

for sheer fast weight gain (and bloat) test suspension with minimal anti-estros wins for me, though I don't go over 400mg a week when using it that way.

I am not so sure about this. an oral steroid is 17aa to make it through the digestive tract intact. Thats why you have to take so much andriol, its not a 17aa steroid. A slower releasing test esther like enth or cyp has a longer half life even though it is excreted from the body once it gets to the liver but its in small amounts. An oral 17aa like d-bol loses half the dose on first pass alone. thats why it stresses the liver so much. I think Test is king hands down.

I'm shocked how long it took to get an accurate answer here.

Okay, everybody pay attention.

5 subjects.

One gets 50 mgs of test a day.

The next gets 50 mgs of Ox a day,

The next gets 50 mgs of Anadrol a day.

The next gets 50 mgs of deca a day.

The next gets 50 mgs of d-bol a day.

At the end of one month, all things being equal, who made the most gains?

mg for mg, my vote would go to Tren, D-bol or Test Susp. OUt of the three I would have to say D-bol mg for mg.
Halotestin is the correct answer. It is 10 times as androgenic and almost 20 times as anabolic as methyl-test.

Bioavailability is, of course, a factor. But imagine, if you will, a weekly dose of halo that compares to effective doses of other drugs. Think about 500- 750mg/week of halo for a minute. Ignoring the fact that you would shit out your liver and die, your androgenic and anabolic activity level would be absolutely unbelievable. You would be real strong right up until your organs failed.
Let's see, 150mg of tren ED is 1050mg a week right? I did that for 2-3 weeks at the end of my tren cycle, and the results were amazing, although I'm still dealing with the acne it caused on my shoulders. Has anyone ever run really high dose tren, like 2 grams a week? Now THAT would be insane...
Sounds like the ideal stack in my opinion is 150mg tren ED and 50mg of anavar. You can keep your damn dbol, I'm not interested in being bloated and puffy.
Test is sweet too, but I miss tren the most when I'm off cycle.
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