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Upping The Fucking Dose Baby!!

SS isn't messing around at all. What a freak of a cycle! I would like to try a gram of test ew for shits and giggles but am too worried about sides and believe that I can do great on 500mgs/ew. How hard of a recovery would a test only cycle at 1000mgs/ew be? I mean I know it's different for everyone, but in general. I'm thinking sustanon at 1 gram a week would be nothing short of amazing. Currently using cyp at 500mgs/ew for my 3rd cycle and loving it.
solidspine said:
1 gram of test-yes

Masterdon, waste of time and money, I would simply use deca or Eq, I also love Primo

And Tren will do the job.

My current cycle for your reference

2 grams test e per week
1 gram Deca per week
100mg Tren Ace per day some times 150mg
50-75mg of d-bol per day

I eat everything, clean, dirty alive or dead, all the time.

Watch out for injuries, I am now gaining strength like Sampson, injury free.

In the last 3 weeks my strength has gone berserk and my size is starting to increase significantly, again in the last 3 weeks.

Actually was losing weight for a while now, the muscle is slowly coming on, but it is slow. Strength yes, size slower.

Good luck,

Keep your sense of humor, don’t make any major life changes, aggression is funny focus on the gym,
How are you keeping the water weight off solidspine? I get bloated on even as little as 250mg test e! lol.
solidspine said:
1 gram of test-yes

Masterdon, waste of time and money, I would simply use deca or Eq, I also love Primo

And Tren will do the job.

My current cycle for your reference

2 grams test e per week
1 gram Deca per week
100mg Tren Ace per day some times 150mg
50-75mg of d-bol per day

I eat everything, clean, dirty alive or dead, all the time.

Watch out for injuries, I am now gaining strength like Sampson, injury free.

In the last 3 weeks my strength has gone berserk and my size is starting to increase significantly, again in the last 3 weeks.

Actually was losing weight for a while now, the muscle is slowly coming on, but it is slow. Strength yes, size slower.

Good luck,

Keep your sense of humor, don’t make any major life changes, aggression is funny focus on the gym,

This guy is a crazy bastard. I need a training partner like you brother.
solidspine said:
1 gram of test-yes

Masterdon, waste of time and money, I would simply use Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - or Equipoise - boldenone undecylenate - , I also love Primobolan - methenolone -

And trenbolone will do the job.

My current cycle for your reference

2 grams testosterone enanthate per week
1 gram Deca per week
100mg Tren Ace per day some times 150mg
50-75mg of Dianabol - methandrostenolone - per day

I eat everything, clean, dirty alive or dead, all the time.

Watch out for injuries, I am now gaining strength like Sampson, injury free.

In the last 3 weeks my strength has gone berserk and my size is starting to increase significantly, again in the last 3 weeks.

Actually was losing weight for a while now, the muscle is slowly coming on, but it is slow. Strength yes, size slower.

Good luck,

Keep your sense of humor, don’t make any major life changes, aggression is funny focus on the gym,

damn solid, 2 grams per week of test enanthate? How much difference would you say is there from using 1 g of test ew to 2 g of test ew?
UFC22 said:
SS isn't messing around at all. What a freak of a cycle! I would like to try a gram of test ew for shits and giggles but am too worried about sides and believe that I can do great on 500mgs/ew. How hard of a recovery would a test only cycle at 1000mgs/ew be? I mean I know it's different for everyone, but in general. I'm thinking sustanon at 1 gram a week would be nothing short of amazing. Currently using testosterone cypionate at 500mgs/ew for my 3rd cycle and loving it.

Man you sound like me. I usually stick to 500mg test/week and do great. I wanted to try 1000mg/week so i did and will never do it again. Found sides outweighed benefits. Currently running 750mg/week and loving it. Sides still ok and gains ++++.
c gheller said:
Man you sound like me. I usually stick to 500mg test/week and do great. I wanted to try 1000mg/week so i did and will never do it again. Found sides outweighed benefits. Currently running 750mg/week and loving it. Sides still ok and gains ++++.

what were your sides at 1g ew? and post some pics SS
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