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Update on everybodys Training.


No offense taken. I would like to be good at deadlifting, I am just not built for it. I would like to be good at basketball, too, but that ain't in the cards either.

You being quite good at both, are a freak indeed, because for most, they are good at one and suck at the other.

I have only been powerlifting for 11 months now, and my partners tell me that I may still be able to come up with a decent deadlift, but it is just lagging. I think, that I just don't have the body for it. But I have a decent bench, and it is getting better all the time. And thankfully they have bench only meets.

Sorry, I forgot to tell you what meet we are doing. We are dong Kim Brownfield's Bench on the Beach, in Eufala, Oklahoma. Best bench meet in the midwest. It is done outside, right on the beach, there will be between 2,000, and 3,000 people there. There will be a bikini contest after the benching is over.

Kim has benched over 600 at both 220 and 242. Jason Jackson has gone over 600 at 242 a couple of times, they will be the two best ones at the meet most likely. Both are WABDL world champions, Kim holding the world record in both 220 and 242. There will be a ton of 500 plus benchers there, and some hot bods in bathing suits (hopefully just women).

Anyone within driving distance should try and make it. A ton of fun.

In my opinion, you can't hit a real max unless you're in competition. I need that psyche to really push myself. My competition lifts will always be bigger than my gym lifts. I think you could compare me to Jimmy Dean. I train Westside up until the meet and then just estimate my attempt numbers and go from there. You don't truely know what you can do until you do it. This is very good for me mentally because I don't set limitations on myself. It's definitely not for everyone though.

The equipment I use in competition:

Squat - Double Champion, Inzer Knee Wraps, Inzer Wrist Wraps, 13mm Double-prong belt

Bench - Double Denim (Karen's), Inzer Wrist Wraps, 13mm Double-prong Belt, Standard Navy Singlet

Deadlift - Double Champion, Inzer Wrist Wraps, 13mm Double-prong Belt

I'm want to get some Titan briefs, a Hardcore or Titan Boss and a 13mm Lever Belt. I also want to try an Erector Shirt out. Anyone have suggestions on equipment?
Freak, I have the opposite build of Benchmonsters, and consequently, I am all pull no push.

Have not maxed all year. Was going to compete for the first time in eight years, but was too busy with other things, including son's competition, graduation, etc.

Did hit a PR box squat, 700, off of a 10" box. BW 265 at the time.

Shoulder has been bothering me. This resulted in me missing several max effort attempts in a row the last five bench workouts.

Can't have everything.

When I do get around to competing, in December no matter what, I will use the same gear I used last time, just to see how I compare to the old me.

Inzer single ply squat suit, gold line wraps, lever belt. That's it.
FREAK19 said:
I just wanna know how everybody's training is going for them.
Whats your max rep for the SQ, BP, DL?


Well I don't normally answer these threads......mainly because I end up eating large portions of humble pie hehehe.....but Iwill this time. These are my best lifts in the last 6 months or so (for what its worth, no equipment except chalk).

Bodyweight: 198
Squat: 440ish
Bench: 385ish
Deadlift: 550

These numbers are down a bit on what they were......long uninteresting I wont bore you.

This only puts me 400 or so pounds below Elite lol.....mebbe its time I got some equipment....and somebody to help me put it on!!
Training has been going good.
BW- 136
DL 360

my bench has been stuck for a little bit so it sucks
Let's start with the squat:
I had switched my squatting a few months ago over to wide stance low box squats. My max went down to 265 but I was well below parallel (11 inch box). I was able to increase my max by about 40 lbs. over a 3 month period to about 305. My hamstings and especially my ass got much bigger and my quads seemed to shrink. Anyway, I changed my stance to be much narrower and after 3 workouts, my squat is 355 and there has been a noticable increase in the size of my quads (not that I care but I'm just making an observation. My ass getting bigger does concern me though).

Bench press:
I did a pause bench in a shirt of 255 about 1 1/2 months ago. 2 weeks ago, I was doing wide grip bench presses with bands with 215 when on my 4th rep, the weight shifted upwards towards my neck and I felt a nasty pain in my right shoulder. Monday I warmed up and was going to do speed benches with 135 but it was too painful so I quit and decided to rest it some more. I had to baby that shoulder before and I'm afraid I may have really fucked it up this time.

I don't do it much. I worked up to 345 X 3 reps about 1 month ago.

Height , weight and age:
5'9" 220 37

I started lifting again last year after a 19 year layoff. It is unbelievably harder to increase strength now compared to being a teenager. My best lifts as a 17 year old at 165 lbs. were 405, 255 and 385 all raw.
Well, right now I am pretty burnt out and messed up my training a bit for this meet(June 15th), but I have 7 days off from the weights now, so I should be looking to tear shiat up at the meet.

Gym lifts look as follows:

bodyweight- 148-152
squat- 365 Single poly Champion, Inzer knee wraps, belt
bench- 255 Inzer single poly EHPHD
Dead- 450 Belt only

For my meet:

Bodyweight- 146-148 (148 class)
My squat is really fooked up. I watched a tape of me trying to hit my opener and it was the ugliest thing I ever saw. I am actually going too low if that's possible and my form breaks down at the bottom. If I hit the right spot, it's smooth sailing. Squat form will need huge improvement after this meet. Next full meet will most likely be December, so I'll have some time.

Bench- Feeling pretty confident about bench going in. I will smoke my opener like cake. Then on the second I'll most likely hit the 255 again, if not 250. We'll see how I feel. I have always been a weak bencher, so this is improvement for me.

Deads- Don't you just love deads?? I am going to pull conventional at this meet. In March I pulled sumo in the non-sanctioned meet I did. I was very fatigued by then and didn't pull well. I notice now I feel fresher in the conventional stance after wide squats, plus my best pull of 450 was done conventional. This time around I am going to make sure to eat some snacks throughout soI don't totally crash by the time deads come around. That is my lift and it is where will do the most damag adhave the most fun. I'm hitting a PR at this meet. Nuff said.

The meet don't start 'til the bar hits the floor!

After this meet I am going to eat until it hurts and then eat some more. I am not going to check my weight until about 6 weeks or so before the December meet and then just decide what class to be in. I'd like to gain about 30 lbs between now and then. I am very small for my weight class IMO. I need more mass. Even if it means bulking for a few years and gaining a ton of size/strength and the dieting back down to a lighter class and ripping shiat up. So, my strength should go up nice in my training for the next 6 months or so because my body has been deprived of the necessary calories to grow.
Dont know how my training is going. I havent trained in three weeks! Iam ready to train again. Just got home from a bench meet but i will start a thread for that.
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