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Update on everybodys Training.

Don't know recently but

In March at a 176BW I pulled 425lbs. (belt only)
In FEB I squatted @ 173lbBW 365lbs(raw)
In April benched 270 @ 180lbBW, yesterday I did a 4 board with 300 so I'm guessing I bench 300 now I know for sure if I can lockout the weight from a 5 board even I can bench it. (raw)

BW right now 193 so i'm guessing these lifts are up and I don't plan on testing all 3 of them anytime soon. maybe if I know for sure I'm doing a meet I will.
These are my best PR's...I don't have any gear.

BP: 427
SQ: No idea
DL: 629

B True
Damn B, why don't you hit a few powerlifting meets? You've got the numbers to finish at the top of your weight class. I don't think it would hinder your strongman training. I believe these are two strength sports that complement each other very well. Hit that lifting platform!
Screwball said:
Damn B, why don't you hit a few powerlifting meets? You've got the numbers to finish at the top of your weight class. I don't think it would hinder your strongman training. I believe these are two strength sports that complement each other very well. Hit that lifting platform!

Most strongmen find that they do hinder each other greatly. The more events that I do, the less my big 3 lifts grow. My bench has suffered greatly as I have switched to a lot more overhead work (reps suck

I would like to do one in the future, but at 285 lifts aren't that impressive.

Thank you very much though....

B True
everybodys lifts are looking good. Some people on here have a negative attitude towards there numbers. I dont understand that. alot of you just started lifting, or just started powerlifting, well guys, rome wasnt built in one day. Just give it time and you will hit it and your numbers will get there. as long as your making PR's and being smart about it, if its in a meet or not. Make your goals realistic and you achieve them. Good Luck in everybody's training.

been powerlifting for 3 weeks so far..all of these raw gym lifts..

BW: 180
Age: 21
BP: 230
SQ: 300
DL: 400

I want to get my numbers up so bad so I can compete and consider myself a real "powerlifter".. I guess I need more time..
My lifts follow:

bench 315 (done a couple of weeks back)
squat almost to 600
DL was in the 600s. Now I cannot pickup the bar. My right
bicep is shot thanks to a DL competition this past weekend.
I want to get my numbers up so bad so I can compete and consider myself a real "powerlifter".. I guess I need more time..

Who cares what you lift, go ahead and compete. The first few meets are learning experiences anyway. People will support you if you total 300 or if you total 2000.

Go and learn.
Best lifts are as follows:
sq 711
bp 512
dl 661
total 1857 -- which should have been at least 1907 but I got called high with a 733sq(bastards:))
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