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Tren, test and naplon 50 done... Now what?!


New member
Hello, a friend of mine has finished the above cycle about 6 weeks ago. It was only his 3rd cycle, he put on nearly 30lbs! Which amazed me, and that's true too as I saw it on the scales! Despite loosing a good 8lbs of this since then he is gearing up for his 4th cycle. He asked me what I think he should do... But I could not say.
What Should/ could he do next? He won't mind me saying he rushed into doing tren but it's done. His previous cycles were just test and then for his second, test, naplon 50 and winny. He put on 23lbs on his first and 25lbs on his second.

He is 25 and 218 lbs. 6th 1inch height. He consumes Alot of nutrition and trains well.

I can't persuade him to join here but I said il start a post and he can have a look.

Advice would be great thank you.
He is looking to get a big as possible, I could not suggest what to do as I don't want to ruin his future cycles by suggesting too extreme a cycle.
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