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Training and diet to be improved then steroids!


New member
I'm not going to use steroids until I get my training and nutrition on the right track 100% And I get my body fat down. currently I'm around 18% so I'd like to get it down to 13 or 14%
currently 27 years old 5 ft 9 in and 80 kg
I have been training in the gym for about 3 years
was brainstorming some steroids to use and came up with a list:
Out of those which ones would i get on once i drop my body fat lower ?
while its so great to see that you are well aware of putting yourself into the proper condition, you dont make mention of any cycle experience you have?

for this list, anavar is the obvious choice which makes me wonder if you have done any research whatsoever.. its so obvious that its clear you really did not research, just picked a bunch of compounds without knowing much of anything about them
I'm not going to use steroids until I get my training and nutrition on the right track 100% And I get my body fat down. currently I'm around 18% so I'd like to get it down to 13 or 14%
currently 27 years old 5 ft 9 in and 80 kg
I have been training in the gym for about 3 years
was brainstorming some steroids to use and came up with a list:
Out of those which ones would i get on once i drop my body fat lower ?
Anavar 50mgs ed with 300mgs testosterone and n2guard with aromasin that's a cutter
I'm not going to use steroids until I get my training and nutrition on the right track 100% And I get my body fat down. currently I'm around 18% so I'd like to get it down to 13 or 14%
currently 27 years old 5 ft 9 in and 80 kg
I have been training in the gym for about 3 years
was brainstorming some steroids to use and came up with a list:
Out of those which ones would i get on once i drop my body fat lower ?
bro try tren too
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