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To cycle or not to cycle???

Just make sure you have all the knowledge needed, plan out a cycle/pct, eat right, train right and sleep. If you have that all in place and mental wellness then I'd say good luck with your cycle. That being said, if you have too many doubts than I for one wouldnt try it just yet.:)
I trained at 18 then i never touched any gear until i was about your age, build a solid foundation.


I agree with Radar. Get a solid fundation, experiment with different training and nutritional programs, see what works best... Of all, get the ROCK HARD DISCIPLINE... then... READ AND READ...browse this forum... learn from others experiences... Is a personal and serious decision... be imformed.
OK, this is a good place to start, bossman. What are the meals like and why so many shakes? Also let's take a look @ your training routine.....

Well my diet is as follows

8am- 3 eggs some bacon/ protein shake

11am- homemade sandwich usually roast beef or turkey/ 2 hard boiled eggs

2pm protein shake

6pm dinner usually something very healthy with lots of vegtables

8pm or so- protein shake

11pm protein shake

now that is not my diet everyday but it is pretty close. this just happens to be what I had today. I drink 1 coke a day but mostly gatorade or water and I have tea I drink at the house with splenda.

Also here is my training routine

Mon/ Thur
flat bench 5x5
incline bench 5x5
3 sets of weighted dips

deadlifts 5x3

tricep extensions 5x10


Leg press 5 plates on each side 5x10
military press 5x5
Barbell curl 5x10

I also run 5 days a week usually 3 miles

I know some of you guys are going to say I am overtraining with the running but let me first say that I am in the army and have been running for the last 19 years, I think my body is pretty adapted to it. I am trying to get serious about weight lifting to add some muscle and look leaner. so let her rip what do you guys think
Seems like you have it all down. The decision is yours to make whether you think the benefit outweighs the sides.
If you have to ask "to cycle or not to cycle", the answer is not to cycle. Not being a dick or funny guy, just letting you know that you really should be 100% ready before proceeding.

I am new to this forum and would like to give you my opinion.

I'm 41 and been training off and on for 25 yrs. I have never used gear, but I have decided to finally make the leap. I have made good/great gains naturally but have never achieved the body I have always wanted.

I say, why wait? Wait for what? Wait while time passes us by? I've waited long enough.

I have done my research on the risks vs. benefits. I've had my liver, cholesterol and testosterone levels tested for a baseline and am going to have it tested again every 2-3 weeks up to the 10-12 weeks of my cycle. I also have been keeping a daily log before I start my cycle (I'm starting my cycle this week) and writing down everything. How I feel at different times during the day, during workouts, etc. I am doing this so that I can gauge any side effects while using and not confuse normal feelings (mental/physical) for sides. Also monitoring blood pressure. Any potential serious health issues and I'm stopping. Also got my anti-estro's and PCT lined up.

This is my advice to you. I'm gonna cycle because at my age lets face it, the gains just ain't cranking anymore. I'm willing to take the risk but also do it as safely as possible. I can post my progress if you're interested.

Hope this helps
Well my diet is as follows

8am- 3 eggs some bacon/ protein shake

11am- homemade sandwich usually roast beef or turkey/ 2 hard boiled eggs

2pm protein shake

6pm dinner usually something very healthy with lots of vegtables

8pm or so- protein shake

11pm protein shake

now that is not my diet everyday but it is pretty close. this just happens to be what I had today. I drink 1 coke a day but mostly gatorade or water and I have tea I drink at the house with splenda.

Also here is my training routine

Mon/ Thur
flat bench 5x5
incline bench 5x5
3 sets of weighted dips

deadlifts 5x3

tricep extensions 5x10


Leg press 5 plates on each side 5x10
military press 5x5
Barbell curl 5x10

I also run 5 days a week usually 3 miles

I know some of you guys are going to say I am overtraining with the running but let me first say that I am in the army and have been running for the last 19 years, I think my body is pretty adapted to it. I am trying to get serious about weight lifting to add some muscle and look leaner. so let her rip what do you guys think

I don't know if you're eating enough;

1st meal seems a little light, how bout a few more eggs, with a 3-1 white to yolk ratio? And instead of a shake, how about 2 cups of plain oatmeal? I use a little cinnamon and banana to make it bearable.

The 11am meal, are you using white bread? Are you using mayo or anything like that? How bout ditching the sandwich and eating some grilled chicken/turkey breasts, Foreman Grill a few days worth in advance.

2, 8, 11 pm shakes, is one of these PW? I know it's not always possible but, it's better to have real food as a meal as opposed to a shake. Again, grill up a few days worth of lean meat so you have a supply on hand. Carbs should come from red potato, oatmeal, yams, sweet potato, cut off carbs after 4pm and rotate them with veggies, like so:

Day 1: protien/carbs every meal
Day 2: every other meal replace carbs with veggies
Day 3: carbs only 1st meal and PW, replace carbs with veggies

How much water are you drinking?


I'm not @ all a fan of doing the same workout every time. Some guys do it, but IMO, not a good idea. First thing I would change would be to devote 1 day to each body part. I have a theory that if we train 2 bp's on the same day 1 of 2 things happen, we "save" something for the 2nd bp or we go all out on the 1st one and have nothing left for the 2nd one.

If you're looking for a lean look, IMO super setting is absolutely the way to go. Pick 2 or even 3 exercises and (with proper form) bang 'em out. Here's an example with chest:

Incline bar/incline flyes
Flat dumbell/pec dec flye
Flat bench cable flyes/wide grip flat bar bench

Sets and reps are up to you, always change it up. It works with other bp's as well.

Train hard and keep you diet clean for a while 1st, no cycle is going to be quick fix. And if you get the point where you're ready to cycle, it's like getting tattoo, make sure you are 150% into it before you do.

There's a wealth of knowledge here on EF, you're in the right place.......GOOD LUCK
Well my diet is as follows

8am- 3 eggs some bacon/ protein shake add in 6 egg whites, switch to turkery bacon, mmm!

11am- homemade sandwich usually roast beef or turkey/ 2 hard boiled eggs how much RB? what kind of bread?

2pm protein shake

6pm dinner usually something very healthy with lots of vegtables kinda vague, should be 8-10 oz chicken, beef etc

8pm or so- protein shake is this PWO shake? if not more solid food

11pm protein shake

now that is not my diet everyday but it is pretty close. this just happens to be what I had today. I drink 1 coke a day but mostly gatorade or water and I have tea I drink at the house with splenda. just drink water - 1 gallon +

Also here is my training routine

Mon/ Thur
flat bench 5x5
incline bench 5x5
3 sets of weighted dips

deadlifts 5x3

tricep extensions 5x10


Leg press 5 plates on each side 5x10
military press 5x5
Barbell curl 5x10

I also run 5 days a week usually 3 miles

I know some of you guys are going to say I am overtraining with the running but let me first say that I am in the army and have been running for the last 19 years, I think my body is pretty adapted to it. I am trying to get serious about weight lifting to add some muscle and look leaner. so let her rip what do you guys think

my comments in red I say research and come up what a good first cycle would consist of and post that up and we will critique it.
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