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Think 50 cent is juicing?

bignate73 said:

and most of the people on here.....juice? you've met how many on here? being lean has a way of fooling the eye. post up some stats of 50 cent (ht,wt, bodyfat %) and it will make all the difference in the world. if he's 6' 190 and has fairly low bodyfat....he would look "impressive" by media standards or to the fans that dont have a point of reference.

kind of like taking a picture of something and putting a quarter in it to bring it back to reality. maybe 50cent needs a quarter next to him. :D

well i'm not the media and i havn't met many ppl on here but i still browse the members pictures sections of AR etc...he look about 210 with low body fat which is better than alot of people i have seen who juice including myself...he has good genetics and bone structure to make him look reasonably impressive...BUT he has chicken legs!!! and he still wears shorts lol...

so basically just because someone isn't bigger than they could have gotten naturally doesn't mean they arent taking shit...they are just taking a shortcut because of their busy schedule and like someone said he has minor gyno and a roid belly

on another voice cracks sometimes from test...that wouldn't be too cool if i was rapping
Nah, 50 isnt juicing. But Ja Rule is, that guys fucking HUGE. :)
Without looking up stats, just pure guessing, I'd say that

50 is probably around 6'1", 215
Ja Rule is probably around 5'7", 140
JavaGuru said:
In high school it was rumored I was on steroids and the only times I ever worked out was when forced by my coaches. I guess it's the old gym rule, "Anyone bigger than you is on steroids and anyone smaller is a clueless newbie."

New signature!
50 was in jail for a while, plus why when someone is accuses of taking steroids he is said to be doing it wrong? Maybe his goal isnt to look like a freak! Maybe he's just doing it in moderation at really low doses, maybe he use's it to get bigger/cut for his cd, just because he's not as big as ronnie, doesnt mean he is doing it wrong, everyone has their own goal, stop bashing ppl and give them respect for once!
Code said:
Post up a pic for us to compare you and Fitty Cent to.

Right, 'cause I juice, and I have to be bigger than him to have an opinion, right?

HighIntensity said:
let me guess cause your superman.
I'm Superman, just for you, baby.
50 was in jail for a while, plus why when someone is accuses of taking steroids he is said to be doing it wrong? Maybe his goal isnt to look like a freak! Maybe he's just doing it in moderation at really low doses, maybe he use's it to get bigger/cut for his cd, just because he's not as big as ronnie, doesnt mean he is doing it wrong, everyone has their own goal, stop bashing ppl and give them respect for once!>>>>

Because honestly, if your goal is to look like that, then you shouldn't be taking risks with your health and the law. If I wanted to be about 190-220lbs, I sure as hell wouldn't be touching anything, unless I was 5'11 or under (I'm nearly 6'4).

I don't think the guy is taking anything. He is just your average run of the mill cut black guy, with a little bit of muscle. You see black men like him all the time, and bigger who don't even work out.

I'm staying out of these threads from now on. If you disagree, or say the wrong thing, you get jumped all over and called a hater, etc, etc. I could see if we were talking about Dolph Lundgren, Arnold, Stallone, that green mile guy, or hell, even Vin Diesel. But these threads about Brad Pitt, LL Cool J, Ed Norton, and now 50 cents, are getting out of hand. Like someone else put (I believe it was Nate), if you can't believe someone can build a slightly above average build without chemical help, then somethings not right.
AAP said:

they did some video which was half the time them singing and the other half the time him attempting to hit poses during it.
lol i remember that hahahaha
the guy isnt that impressive. im sure from the posts on this thread that many ppl would think adrian paul juices. [highlander the series]
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