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still not gaining weight...

eat your ass off! shit i remember back in the day when i could eat and eat and eat and not gain a pound..... ofcourse i was a lazy fuck and didnt lift weights either... but now if i even pass by and look at a jack in the box on a billboard i gain 10 pounds!
Don't even worry about the protein, 250g is enough but for christ's sake eat some damn carbs and fat. I weight 210 pounds and I doubt I'd grow much off of your diet as according to my calculations you're getting in at best 3800 calories.

250 grams of protein is plenty for your bodyweight as long as you get enough of the other nutrients. Dump the eating clean mentality, you are obviously an ectomorph and you have to break all of the dieting rules in order to gain weight. You have to eat calorie dense foods to get your calories high enough to grow. That means eat a bacon double cheesburger and wash it down with a large milkshake. Eat huge scoops of peanut butter, add olive oil to meals for the hell of it, do anything you can do get extra calories. Don't worry about getting fat, that's the least of your worries. Definately drink some of your calories as it won't give you the full sensation like real food. For your post workout shake use scoops of ice cream, some peanut butter, couple scoops of protein power and some whole milk. If you eat enough you will grow, period. An ectomorph such as yourself simply cannot put on quality muscle by eating clean. Get it out of your head right now.
Gees I wish I had your metabolism :)

Just get lazy, slow your metabolism down.
Anyway what kind of weight do you want to gain fat or muscle?
Muscle is easy, just train right and it will happen.

Fat - eat lots of junk food :p
I'd wish if was that easy....!

I'd wish it was that easy Vageta...I'm in the same boat as Flabberboy, damn it! can't get any weight, I have lost it instead...see the problem is that by eating ANY dense food and meats for that matter you're putting your health at risk. I know 'cause I had been doing it, eating red meats (steak and eggs for breakfast, my favorite, plus french fries, yummy!), fish, whole eggs, whole milk, tuna, you name it ate it. I wasn't getting any fat because I'm an ectomorph also (the slim type, hard gainer, fast metabolism, etc), although I was getting king of flabby around my waist, which didn't emphasize my upper body, given that I don't have broad shoulders. However, here's the downside of the eat ANYTHING diet...I was diagnosed with very high cholesterol (256!), and I mean bad cholesterol, plus the fact that too much protein (read excessive) could damage your kidneys, given that they can't process too much protein at the same time.
So since last April 9th I was forced to watch what I put in, I'm eating lean now, feel much better overall, but went from 185 lbs to 179 lbs. right now.
My strategy now is to increase the amount of calories I put in by putting just the good stuff: white eggs only, (whole egg, once a week maybe), fish, beans, turkey breast lunch meat, chicken breast, tuna, sardines, salmon, veggies (not too much), cereal (Kashi's Go lean, not too much), flaxseed oil, multivitamins, glutamin pills, soy milk and skim plus for the milkshakes with Whey Protein supplement, always using my calculator, as to watch for no more than 3,500 calories a day.
As for my training, I'm lifting heavy, good form, few reps (6 or 8 per set), and no more than an hour or hour and a half, tops, in the gym, given plenty of rest in between. Cardio only one a week.
Let's see how it goes with this diet, I'll keep you posted.
Caution: Don't just eat ANYTHING...(read burgers and that kind of, it's not good for your heart, regardless of age), eat clean but high, that's all.
My two cents,
Boarding party...away!
Dude, don't worry so much about the egg yolks. Only once a week is really going overboard. You can have one or two a day and it won't have a negative impact on your cholesterol as long as you're active and don't ingest copious amounts of most kinds of red meat. Your body doesn't digest cholesterol from you diet very easily. You have to have a really terrible diet for it to ramp it up unless you have that nasty genetic disposition for high cholesterol. If you do, well, it'll be an uphill battle for the rest of your life.
This is a first time thing and my familiy doesn't have that problem, this year's check-up was a revelation with my bad cholesterol after following an "eat almost anything diet", now I know better and wiser. The way to go for me now is to eat high in calories but as clean and lean as possible.
Of course I'll indulge every once and a while, but it won't becaome my pattern, that's all.
Boarding party...away!
CongoJoe said:
i always see these guys doing these standing cable bicep curls. ???!!!??!! I just walk away and go outside because ill end up in prison if i watch them.

Thank you!!! I see that all of the time and it kills me. I watch those guys and I know they're thinking "Man, I want to grow really big arms so I'm going to do this and they'll be big." I want to grab them, shake them and scream "What the fuck are you doing? Do you want big arms or the sissy sticks you've got right now? Pick up a barbell for fuck's sake! Don't let me see you touch a cable ever except as the last exercise for bi's and tri's."
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