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steiner/coleman picture

First, i think that pic was taken at the 2001 Arnold, or around that time. Steiner definately is bigger than that now. Also, Steiner isnt as big as coleman, but his training is not geared directly at building muscle, theres a lot of cardio,(from the wrestling) involved that wont let him get that huge.-WULF
Hey Dum Dum's!!!

No shit..... ya think Ronnie looks better....gee I guess thats why Coleman is Mr. Olympia...ans Steiner is for their strength accolades.....Steiner's bench is a shitload better...and is around the 685 mark not 600....( he is actually stronger than Animal in that regard)....but as far as hands down three lift total....Coleman is the champ......I would venture a guess that off-season totals are sick....I have only seen him workout close to a contest though.....( I own a gym, and my best friend owns a gym in this is how I have seen them both in their element) any rate they are both retardedly huge freaks of nature.....GUNTHER or CUTLER for Mr. Olympia 2003!!!!!!!!
gwl9dta4 said:
Not hate on Ronnie, but a lot of those supposed workout videos use tricks to make the weight look much heavier then it really is. The favorite trick is plates made out of wood or aluminum. His lifts are very impressive but i watch Power lifeters all the time and if he really did have those lifts, especially when dieting then he would be a world record holder.

This method of using wooden or aluminum plates was talked about years ago when MM2000 started hitting the market, this was before the magazine got pussyfied.

I agree. Ive seen several Body builders train, and beleive me most of them are way weaker than power lifters. Ronnie is a BB and simply cannnot afford to risk injury, especially 5 weeks b4 the olympia. Do u really think he would be dead lifting 805 lbs. If he is then watch out ED COAN

BTW: Steiner rules.
Re: Hey Dum Dum's!!!

pitbullstl said:
Steiner's bench is a shitload better...and is around the 685 mark not 600


Not EVEN close dude - I have seen him max out at 405 for sets of 6-8.....he tries 685 and he will get buried.
Fukkenshredded said:
Bench is not the only indicator of strength. But yes, I would have to think Scott is capable of a 600lb bench press. I have seen him in the gym more than once, and he is like a bulldozer. He reminds me a bit of Animal, who had a 600+ bench press.

The thing that impressed me was his overhead military presses with 405 for reps. Is Ronnie really that strong too? Maybe so, but I haven't heard that Ronnie is among the strongest of bodybuilders. I thought Tom Prince was the frontrunner for that title? Or maybe Kovacs (unless he is all hype?)

In any event, Steiner is stupid strong. I think we can all agree on that point, yes?

animal is a strong mutha. i used to work out with his son at animal's gym in Minnesota when i lived there. he gave me countless tips when i was there. on a side note, he's also a hell of a football coach. :)
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