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starting a new routine in the morning ( please help )


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im 24 yrs old , 285 lbs and about 21% bf

im on 200mg of test cyp a wek for low test problems , 20mg of nolvadex for anti e's

i want to due cardio 6 times a week for 45 min

i want to train 5 times a week


jog for 45 min

meal 1 - 4 egg whites, 1 cup of blueberrys ( kidney protection )

meal 2 - 1 can tuna , 1 tbls of fat free mayo , 2 slices of multi grain

meal 3 - 4 oz chicken breast , 1/2 cup brown rice

train 2 body parts for 1 hr.

meal 4 - 32 oz gatorade , 2 scoops of designer protien

meal 5 - 4 oz chicken breast , 1/2 cup of green beans

meal 6 - 4 egg whites , 1 small green salad

meal 7 - 1 scoop of designer protien

drink 1-1 1/2 gals of water per day

take 400mg of ala with 5 meals = 2 grms

1 multi vitamin , 2 grams of vitamin C , digestive enzymes , 3 grms of flax seed high lingan oil / day

what do you gus think , all replys are welcome

thanks elite for your help
I dont think you need that much cardio for good results. 20 minutes should suffice. You should have at least 30 grams of protein per meal, especially if you are on the juice. Add some complex carbs early in the day to fuel your workouts and to keep your bood sugar steady. Also, add variety to your program....where's the salmon?

good luck my friend
It looks great to me the only thing I would suggest is cut back on the gatorade to maybe 16 oz instead. Blueberries are an excellent fruit to eat by the way. They have more antioxidants then spinach. Strawberries are good too if you want something to combine with them.
i have to keep my protien some what low , due to high uric acid in my blood

do you think if i stick to this plan i can lose 50 lbs in 3 months
benrock said:
i have to keep my protien some what low , due to high uric acid in my blood

do you think if i stick to this plan i can lose 50 lbs in 3 months

u dont want to lose more than roughtly 1-2 lbs a week otherwise you will be losing too much muscle, so in 3 months, around 12 weeks that is tops 24 lbs if u want to preserve as much muscle as possible. so plan on around 6 months for a good 50 lbs of fat loss. and also i agree u dont need that much cardio. maybe u could do 2 X a week 20 min intense jogging, and 2 X a week 45 min light intensity like fast walking or something. also if u plan on dieting till u lose around 50 lbs you are definitely gonna experience low leptin levels which will stop your fat burning process, so one ur bf% gets down low enough u will need to start incorporating a refeed.

i figure i will have a refeed day on sunday about 300grms of clean carbs

why is 6 times a week 45 min cardio too much ?

pro sports players train every day and then they play an intense game

notice all are in shape muscle or not !!!
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