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Smoking Bud while using Gear

fugetaboutit said:
How 'bout EATING the weed??? No smoke there! Make some nice pot brownies and you don't even have to inhale. LOL. Seriously though, I think if someone just uses it to fall asleep (like myself sometimes) and perhaps stimulate your appetite a bit, then it's o.k. One cannot be classified as a "potsmoker" or "pothead" when he/she uses it just for those reasons. Were not saying that they smoke all day and all night where it affects their motivation, diet, sperm count, etc. It's o.k. if it's done in moderation and if it's not abused.....and most importantly if the person doesn't lose sight of their goal.
my .02 .

I totally agree..I smoke around 10pm and sleep by 11pm. I don't smoke all day on the weekends and I don't smoke during the day while at work..just enough to help me un wind. And Yes Arnold smoked weed and drank beer while cycling so if he can do 3 things at once then i can do two.
I don't know maybe I'm boring, but I don't drink, smoke, or snort when training and only drink socially when I'm off, but that's just me so to each it's own!
As far as I remember Arnold used to take a bump before he lifted for energy and smoke a blunt afterwards to calm him down and get his appetite going. I'm not into the bump...but if you smoke in moderation - who cares.

That said, I have a ton of friends who quickly lost all their motivation from smoking bud all day and are 28 year old bartenders or whatever after graduating from an ivy league school. I sincerely believe that whether you turn into a burn out or not depends mostly on your brain chemistry and personality...some may smoke a few times and lose all motivation, some can smoke forever and push the envelope.
Being a bit high-strung myself, I love smoking because it mellows me out and helps me sleep when compounds such as tren have me staring at the ceiling all night. Moderation is key though I'd say. I smoked almost every night before bed this summer because I had so much trouble falling asleep. I just recently slowed it down and on'y smoked once in the past week. I can honestly say that doing so has cleared my head abit and helped me concentrate a bit more on sticking to my diet much better, as well as feeling better overall, although it might just be psychological. I love smoking, but it's so much worse for you than cigarettes are. It's just so mellowing though. The moral of the story each his own, and moderation is key.
bigdawg8 said:
Hell guys, I work my ass off working out. The only problem I guess I have is that I get stoned and get the munchies. :chomp: Screws up my whole diet. I don't drink now cuz if I do I'll end up flipping out and hurting someone or myself. Bud helps me control my "Rage". :evil: Does anyone else not do this to curb it?
Smoke hash it doesn't give you the munchies at least in my experience. Also gives a wicked head rush. ;)
superqt4u2nv said:
Smoke hash it doesn't give you the munchies at least in my experience. Also gives a wicked head rush. ;)

If I had it around i would...much cleaner high then sticky iky green stuff.
bigdawg8 said:
Hell guys, I work my ass off working out. The only problem I guess I have is that I get stoned and get the munchies. :chomp: Screws up my whole diet. I don't drink now cuz if I do I'll end up flipping out and hurting someone or myself. Bud helps me control my "Rage". :evil: Does anyone else not do this to curb it?

I dont see any problem with smoking ocationally.
I used to smoke alot. Especially if sides where intense.
As long as you focus on diet and workouts, not thc.
As for the munchies, stack up on all sorts of healthy food. And drink alot of water to feel fuller. It works for me.
like i said earlier ....when i just get off a cycle i loose my apetite and smoking lets me REALLY enjoy food, even things like canned tuna and grilled chicken when all i want to eat when i just "get off" is crap like cookies icecream and cake.
but the problem i do see with it is that IMO bodybuilder and steroid users tend to have addictive personalities witch can lead to some problems. ie. smoking everyday and really "getting into" the whole weed seen. pepole are, for the most part very smart in here. makeing there own fina and other gear... who knows you can get heavy inta weed and start growing your own hydro and things like that.
just a thought
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