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sciatic nerve pain

I used to have a problem with a similar thing. Doctors couldn't do shit, so I finally went to a chiro. In about 2 weeks, pain was about 20% of what it was. In about 3 months, I felt like a normal person again. I would go check one out, even if your doc won't refer you.
lwgy - MET's are muscle energy techniques. A stretch of a muscle then an isometric contraction of the muscle (Pushing against another perons force) for 10 secs, then a further stretch. x 3 times. Its to do with muscle spindles and golgi tendon organs, when you contract the muscle one releases to avoid injury, then you can stretch further.

Good one for ass/piriformis = Stand up straight in front of table/surface about hip height. Put one foot up on surface then place lower leg along surface so your outer lower leg is on surface. Then squat down slow and gentle with otherleg and bend slightly forward. You will feel a nice stretch in yur ass.
Anyone have a link to a good anatomy site that shows the sciatic nerve in glute and leg?hate to run into it by accident.
I fucked my C/N off in 96' at the pit in venice, doing bend over rows w/300 lbs, it was summer and about 100 degrees, anyway I began to passout and locked up mid pull and fell forward, dont know how I fucked that nerve off but I tell you I could not fuck/sleep/eat/ I was in bad shape...

Too shorton this story I will just say that swimming HARD and as fast as I could for as long as I could hold my breath UNDERWATER
fixed it, I have since agravated it a few time doing goodmornings or stifflegs and I hit the pool for about an hr. and all is well, give it a try...
Good luck,
Had the same type of pain while doing squats but never paid attention. This went on for years, screwed my knee up and had to go to PT. I asked them about the pain and they gave me a stretch to try, it worked. They had me lie on my back with the leg that had the nerve issue, crossed over the top of the other leg. Basically it looks like you sitting down with your leg crossed. You reach down and pull on the leg that is straight and pull to your chest. Hold for thirty seconds, it felt like I was ripping through the glute. I did this a couple of days in a row and the pain went away. Good luck
a PT gave me about 10 different stretches to do a night. it took me an extra 30 min before i could go to bed. none of them helped. i did them for a couple of years, and finally stopped. when i stopped, the pain didnt change at all.
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