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Power Cleans

What good is one without the other. Thats preety much my take on it. Im not shooting for fitness model, nor am I intrested in power lifting as a sport. Im really trying to turn the corner into amature body builder. My genetics are pretty awesome, I eat what I want and stay cut, just seems like the natural thing to do. But I really need more size, I'm bout
5'10" and 192 lbs. I just put cleans in the same catagories as deads and since deads are the mass building king, next to squats, I just figured they might help.

You mean what good is power without hypertrophy?
Strength can be gained without hypertyophy. But this is another long standing debate
IMHO strength is more a side effect of efficient CNS. The nervous system being more efficient in recruiting motor units and myofibrils is one reason powerlifters are stronger then bodybuilders.
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strength is more a side effect of efficient CNS.

I have never heard it worded this way. I like it! Obviously muscle mass (size), also contributes to strength.

I'm not a body builder, so size isn't as important to me as strength or power.

There is a big difference, between training for size, strength(force), power, and endurance. Even with size being the primary goal, it is important to include strength/power/endurance training into your program.
I have never heard it worded this way. I like it! Obviously muscle mass (size), also contributes to strength.

I'm not a body builder, so size isn't as important to me as strength or power.

There is a big difference, between training for size, strength(force), power, and endurance. Even with size being the primary goal, it is important to include strength/power/endurance training into your program.

But it goes back to the original debate. Bodybuilders have much more muscle mass but have less strength... Why is that?
It because the powerlifters nerverous system have become "desensitized" (for lack of a better term) to numerous bouts of 95% of 1RM lifts. The impulses involved in recruiting motor units become more efficient , hence the power lifters strength gains in the specific lifts he does goes up.... When lifting in this fashion , TUT or time under tension I don't believe is long enough to induce hypertrophy. Hence the powerlifter gets stronger without gaining size. I believe it's the same thing with warehouse workers. Lifting boxes for 12 hour periods makes them better at lifting boxes over the long term. Doing 95% deads and squatsmakes powerlifters better @ deads and squats
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But it goes back to the original debate. Bodybuilders have much more muscle mass but have less strength... Why is that?
It because the powerlifters nerverous system have become "desensitized" (for lack of a better term) to numerous bouts of 95% of 1RM lifts. The impulses involved in recruiting motor units become more efficient , hence the power lifters strength gains in the specific lifts he does goes up.... When lifting in this fashion , TUT or time under tension I don't believe is long enough to induce hypertrophy. Hence the powerlifter gets stronger without gaining size. I believe it's the same thing with warehouse workers. Lifting boxes for 12 hour periods makes them better at lifting boxes over the long term. Doing 95% squats makes deads and makes powerlifters better @ deads and squats

I think it probably has just as much to do with bodybuilders training more for sarcoplasmic hypertrophy while a powerlifters workeout gives you more myofibrillar hypertrophy.
I've seen a LOT of big PLer's though. A lot of guys in the 275 to 350 range. Even seen some diet down to look great at 240 to 275. Oly lifters seem to be the smaller ones though.
I've seen a LOT of big PLer's though. A lot of guys in the 275 to 350 range. Even seen some diet down to look great at 240 to 275. Oly lifters seem to be the smaller ones though.

i wonder if this is because of the lighter loads coupled with no negative, and minimal stretch. (beside the squat, but that is not the explosive part comparitively)
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