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no gains yet help ? sust 500mg deca 200mg

dont take nolva while taking deca....

again how long have you been on this diet? how were your gains naturally? have you increased cals/protein while on?
sorry no i dont want to know if the gear im using is bunk (its 100% legit pharmacutical grade ) my concern from the initial post is weather week 6 is too long to start visually seeing gains , physique improvement ? or weather which in a few cases ive since found week six is when the real gains will start to come on

depends on a lot of factors.. but for me i have never gone 6 weeks without seeing results.. if anything my results start flatlining week 6

even with primo which people contend takes a while to 'kick in' (a myth all over the net), i could see results looking in the mirror after 2 weeks.

having said all that as i said above... 7 pound gain is a lot after 6 weeks. if that is 5 pounds of muscle and 2 pounds of water/fat that is a good cycle.

the reason deca is such a great bulker is cause it gives you a raptor appetite, food is the most anabolic thing to put in your body. so don't be afraid to eat more.. unfortunately you will put on fat as well, no way around that.
ive always ate a good solid diet but when i started this 'bulk' cycle i have indeed upped my intake of carbs protein gains natural were nothing amazing but im a well toned 82kg before cycle but wanted to take it to next level mass wise after 3 years good training and eating , maybe your right steves mi ,

or am i just not seeing it cause im looking at myself everyday a few times ?

also what is your theory behind not taking nolva when using deca judo tom

thanks for input guys
Even tho you are eating 6 meals per day it sounds like you need more cals. On that cycle you should be seeing def strength gains. You did not list how many cals you eating per day, so how many?
looks like you have some mass on you... although it is more on the lean side which is fine.

you are too hard on yourself, be a lil patient. you have a good base so far, now your goal is to finish this cycle strong and keep most of your gains in PCT. now save this pic and in a year look back and see if there is a difference. if you want pure muscle mass in 1 year the shirts that are tight on you now won't come close to fitting you.
ok thanks for your pos input steve much appreciated

as for calls intake zedhead if im brutally honest i just dont know how many im consuming ive purly upped my food intake on all sectors by a fair bit in a hope to bulk on this cycle i eat clean tho , now i half expect some critisism here 'what you dont know how many calls your taking a day ' !!! kind of thing but whats the best way to count here in uk food packaging says nothing in the way of calls , is it up to me to reserch calls in differnt ammounts of food ,

what is a good way up up good call intake daily , maybe a pint of semi skimmed milk with every meal ???

thanks for input again guys
ok steve eating mon - fri (work days diff on weekend ) looks basically like this

7am wake shake with whey oats 4 eggs half pint mik blended and down the hatch it goes
10am tin tuna pasta bolognase sauce , bananna (sometimes brown rice )
1pm meat potatoe veg piece of fruit
3pm pre workout shake whey oats
4.30 (after driving to gym post workout shake whey dextrose
7pm meat potatoe vegetable
10pm 4 slices brown wholemeal toast 300g low fat cott cheese glass of milk
bed for 8.5 hrs sleep

meat is normally pork loin chops lean mince 500g per portion or a rump steak or chicken , turkey breast
i drink between 3-4 litres water a day

training split is

back bi
chest tri
repeat (at moment ) lifting heavy going for one warm up set and 3 working sets of 8-10 reps 5-6 for last set
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