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Need Some Helpwith a Cycle


New member
want to start a cycle here is what I have to work with EQ 200mg/ml 20ML, Deca 300mg/ml 20 ML, 12 amps of norma deca 100mg/ml 2ML amps,T400 400mg/ml 20ML, 60 tabs of noldaex 10mg tabs, 100 tabs of Clen .25mg per tab, I have a 2G fina kit but do not know how many ML I will get out of it nor do I know the mg/ml ratio, 50 tabs of winsrol at 50 mg each . Open to any suggestions. Do I need anything else? If so what? I am 5'10 190 lbs. I have only done one little cycle with deca 600 mg a week with noladex 20 mgs on days 10 on off days.This cycle lasted only 4weeks. Work out 3 days a week but am moving to 4 now.
You have too much shit for one cycle.
Test and EQ or
Test and Deca or
Test and Fina (you may need more supplies)
Test, EQ, and Fina
Test only

These are just some options. Do some searching and reading about these drugs. Look for posts by people who have state similar goals to yours. Hope this helps.
Keep it simple...I would go with test and EQ.....
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