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Need some advice 1st cycle


New member
Im almost 18. Diet and training is in check. I'm still growing so I dont wanna do anything that would hamper that. (Vars what I am about to start)
Did my research,trust me,please dont tell me to wait or anything,Ive made my mind on this drug because it seems mild enough not to make me look down the line years from now and wanna beat the sh** outta myself.
Anyways I do have the nervous factor though because I dont know what exactly Im going to feel or such so can some of you guys who started with var or remeber your var experience please tell me what I can expect in the first days,weeks,month (not gains,that to individual dependant) just you know what Im saying? I mean just tell me what you experienced (increased pulse,restlessness,increased energy,sex drive,constant morning wood....?)
I know I can still make great gains ( I AM!) But damn Im curious (this is the only drug Im touching till at least 20 ish)

Thanks- Im also kinda stubborn but Im always willing to listen to new ideas
Ive never used Var so i cant really answer but i think you'll find a lot of the bros on here will be reluctant to give gear advice to someone so young. I know this is going to sound lame as hell to you but when i was 20 and 172 lbs I was getting impatient for gains. I went on a course of creatine (maximuscle 8000gl i think thats UK only though) I went up to 186lbs in about 6-7 weeks with a big increase in strength. I thought id lose those gains when i stopped taking it but i didnt.

I know some people diss creatine but it might be worth a try.

Although you sound like your minds made up already.
If you are still growing and you are do not mess with steroids. Steroids have an effect on your growth plates in which could stop you from growing.
im aware of that which is why Im dead set on anavar which is not supposed to close growth plates and might actually accelerate the process. I was just wanting to know what to expect the first few days,wks,etc...not instructions,I have the product,have the knowledge of "safe" use just wanted to know the minor details,not trying to make a stand for something...
anyways if someone wants to give a real answer to that question thanks,
not seeking a lecturing or asking you to condone it, just seeking information in which I am having difficulty finding-----what an ass am I!!!!
Disclaimer--I offer this advice as hypothetical. I do not condone an 18yr old doing aas in any shape or form, but I am 20, so it would be somewhat hypocritical. I think the most important thing for you to consider before doing this cycle is wheather or not you have a solid base. I know at 18 I was just starting to fill out and really eager to hit a dbol only cycle. These guys convinced me otherwise and I waited 2 years till I was 210lbs 12% bf naturally. Anyway...

Try 30mgs/day split into 3 doses for a small 6 weeker. You'll notice a lot of apetite loss during the 1st week most likely which makes it hard to intake 4.5k calories/day but just struggle through it. Other than the apetite loss (more of a gag reflex when foods hits your mouth), you shouldn't experience anything else save oily skin/tendency to bruise more. Strength will come on week 2 if your diet rocks the house. PCT with HCG will be unneccessary I THINK... but do some reasearch on nolva/clomid doses...

sleeplifter said:
anyways if someone wants to give a real answer to that question thanks,
not seeking a lecturing or asking you to condone it, just seeking information in which I am having difficulty finding-----what an ass am I!!!!

to each it's own bro!
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