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Need of a good test cycle


New member
5-8% bf

This is my 2nd cycle but looking for a little more mass.

D-bol - ?mg. jump start weeks 1-4
TestE - 300mg/wk split (3 days okay?) weeks 1-8

PCT dosage and of what including week schedule

**I have nolva and arimidex on hand just not sure if I have enough for this round.**

Ready to ad mass to the shred! :evil:
5-8% bf

This is my 2nd cycle but looking for a little more mass.

D-bol - ?mg. jump start weeks 1-4
TestE - 300mg/wk split (3 days okay?) weeks 1-8

PCT dosage and of what including week schedule

**I have nolva and arimidex on hand just not sure if I have enough for this round.**

Ready to ad mass to the shred! :evil:

5% bf ay thats impressive you must be shredded bro, post a pic!
5-8% bf

This is my 2nd cycle but looking for a little more mass.

D-bol - ?mg. jump start weeks 1-4
TestE - 300mg/wk split (3 days okay?) weeks 1-8

PCT dosage and of what including week schedule

**I have nolva and arimidex on hand just not sure if I have enough for this round.**

Ready to ad mass to the shred! :evil:
40mg dbol, 500mg test ew. Nolva 20mg ed for pct along with a test booster like sustain alpha that we carry or hcghenerate from needtobuildmuscle.
I am torn right now! LOL should I make a poll instead? so this is what I got...


30-40mg d-bol (1-4)
400-500mg test (1-8)

Nolva 20mg ed (weeks starting with the last pin of test? or AFTER last week of test?)
sustain alpha (guessing dosage is on the bottle? and start time = nolva OR different?)
You may run into more sides with 500mg of test in comparison with 400mg but everyone is different. I weigh 205 and ran 500 last time with more sides than I would like, so I will tone it down to 400mg/wk next go round. If you you don't feel like you've recovered after the PCT you posted above then get some HCGenerate, it works great! You may wanna keep some on hand anyway.. Make sure you use your Arimdex if you start getting estrogen related sides (gyno/puffy nips, bloating). Consider running the test a week or two longer if you are still making gains on wk 8.
30mg or 40mg, try 30mg see how you respond if you need to go up. But at 170lbs 30mg should be plenty. 500mg test/week split monday/thursday 250mg each day.

If you have not bought yet, see what you are going to get and adjust accordingly. I am assuming 2 10ml vials of test E, thats 500/week for 10 weeks. If you run for 8 weeks you will have 4 ml left what are you going to do save it?

Just have all your gear/pct on hand before starting.
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