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Need help from women that are ALREADY sexy!

Diet is everything. Seriously. Even if you do minimal working out, if your diet is clean, you will see awesome results.

Do some training, clean up your diet .... and you will see absolutely phenominal results. Your diet doesn't have to be 100% clean, it is not about depriving yourself of everything good in the world ... it is an overall good diet that matters.

For example, I had my first baby almost 9 weeks ago. I am SO FAR form where I want to be. Thankfully, I did not get *any* stretchmarks. But i am about 20 lbs heavier than I would like. I am cleaning up my diet, but it will NOT be totally clean. I will have some processed or not-so-clean foods in there. I am breastfeeding, so I cannot go totally clean, plus my calories need to be higher than normal.

Here is what I plan on eating.... (a work in progress right now, still working this out - as well as my workouts) :

Meal 1 (approx 6:30am)
1 serving Cream of Wheat (made with 3/4c water, 1/2c skim milk)
small banana
1 Egg, 4 Egg Whites (will likely add some shredded cheddar cheese (not fat free) here too, and some veggies like green pepper, mushrooms, onion)

Meal 2 / Snack (approx 10am)
Protein Shake
10-15 Almonds

Meal 3 (12pm)
3-4oz lean meat (pork, eye of round, chicken)
Unlimited Green Veggies - asparagus or green beans mostly
Small potato (either yam or red potato) OR 1/2 cup rice

Meal 4 / Snack (approx 3-4pm)
Protein shake
Fruit - likely apple w/ natty peanut butter

** workout about 5pm **

Meal 5 (approx 6-7pm)
Same as meal 3, except meat portion will be larger, likely 4-5oz. Will also likely add 1 tbsp olive oil here.

Meal 6 / Snack - optional, if hungry
Yogurt w/ Granola (the yogurt will NOT be fat free or light, it will be regular)
Chocolate milk (made w skim)
Fruit w/ natty PB

I will eat this everyday M-F ... Sa and Su will be less restrictive, but still trying to focus on cleaner foods, but will have a couple cheat meals. I will make all meat on Sunday, eat it throughout the week. All veggies will be cut up on Sunday also. I am using marinades and spices on the meat. I also do not cut out salt at all. I drink around a gallon of water a day. NO SUPPLEMENTS - protein shakes and possibly Glucorell-R are all I will take.

A TRUE clean diet will have no dairy, no marinades, little fruit, limited salt, no chocolate.
I just want to start by saying WELCOME!! I too, started out like you. Post pregnancy weight is a bitch....When I started chatting on this forum, I was around a size 16, now I am a 12. I even hurt my back during this time and once healed got back on my horse and started riding again.

This forum is the best place to go for advice, from other woman who have been there, have done it and who are willing to help. I have learned a great deal from all the woman here and you will too.

What I did to help me is, I carried a food log with me in my purse where ever I went. I would right down everything I ate in a day, then go home and track my calories on I learned about fitday from this forum and now I have a better handle on my calorie intake, and how to break down my 40/30/30....It does help, its a pain at first, but it is totally worth it.

I would listen to the girls that gave you advice already, they will get you on the right track.

Let me tell you it is a challenge, so you have to stay focused on the goal at hand. If you keep your heart in it, you will be happy with the results. :rainbow:

wannaBsexy said:
Thanks so much to both of you!

Currently this is what my diet looks like (used to be much worse - so even though it looks BAD it's an improvement):

Breakfast - 1-2 cups of coffee w/ cream and sugar. I forget or don't have time to eat usually.

Lunch - If I pack - Side salad w/ romane lettus, grape tomoatoes, cheese, baby carotts, oil and vinnegar dressing. One Michellena's frozen dinner (alfredo & chicken, Cheesburger caserole, etc)

Dinner - Either Pork chops, steak, hamburgers, hamburger helper, with either instant mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, pasta salad, and one veggie - canned beans, peas, corn, spiniach, or frozen, brocolli, limas, etc.

Then later in the night I will eat a few cookies, or oatmeal pie, or bowl of icecream. Sometimes drink a beer or glass of wine too.

I know your thinking - how could this be an improvement? BEcause I used to eat out at Mcdonalds like 4 times a week for 2-3 meals a day. PUKE!!!!!

Thanks so much ladies....I have looked at some of your pictures and it's amazing to me that you carried 2 and 3 babies and look like you do! It gives me some hope. Although I know I won't ever look that good, I can get close.

How do you find time to workout so much? Do you work or SAHM?

Oh, and is it possible for a chubby person like me to get looking that good?

(((hugs))) Thanks!!!!
Another thing about is: When I first discovered it - I was at a point where I was trying to lose but couldn't figure out why I couldn' I started using it and discovered that I was EATING WAY TOO MUCH!! Really woke me up....
Welcome to EF! I'm still new to this forum but I can tell you that the wonderful people on this site have unknowingly helped me through a couple of pretty rough months. I'm just now getting back to a proper diet and something that resembles a workout routine.

Sooooooo listen to the ladies - they know what they're talking about! (Aren't they gorgeous!!!!!) Their posts continue to inspire me to never give up, no matter how many buckets of crap get dumped in my life! I am worth the effort.

I'm age 39, 5' 4", 160lbs, 36DD, size 10 jeans and even though I'm not the most beautiful rose in the garden, I deserve sunshine and I intend on fighting for some. I asked family & friends to pitchin for a gym membership for my upcoming 40th birthday instead of buying individual gifts! ;)

Sexy is a state of mind. Even with my pudge - I AM A SEXY GODDESS!

So read, read & read more EF threads and unleash the sexy beast within you! :evil:

Remember: if you fall off the wagon.....look for loose change while you're down there it'll help buy supps! :p
jenscats5 said:
Another thing about is: When I first discovered it - I was at a point where I was trying to lose but couldn't figure out why I couldn' I started using it and discovered that I was EATING WAY TOO MUCH!! Really woke me up....

For me I found out I was eathing NOT ENOUGH! Oh my Lord I had all carbs and no protein or fat. It was like magic when I balanced out my diet and just about tripled my calorie intake.
Its amazing how enlightening it is to find out what you are REALLY eating.

That's why we pretty much call bullshit when someone shows up & says "... my diet is fine - i eat clean, but I need help w/ my training". :rolleyes:

You are what you eat. You fuel for what you want to accomplish!
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