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Need help from women that are ALREADY sexy!

wannaBsexy said:
No one commented on the QuickSlim pills from GNC - Yes? No? I wouldn't take them forever....just to get some energy for all these workouts, and to get things moving.

I really really LOVE my sleep - so I'm going to be sacrifcing a lot of sleep to prepare foods, exersise and still keep up with my family life (cleaning, making love, playing with my baby, etc.)

I like this board -very supportive and positive people!!! Thanks!
I don't know anything about QuickSlim, but a lot of us use supplements from the AF store. Check it out and ask questions if you have them.

No, no, no.....don't sacrifice sleep. Sleep and rest are VERY important - especially when training. If you have sore muscles, don't train them until they aren't sore anymore and get your sleep in - that's when they're healing.
Welcome! I like this! The "we're already sexy" thread. lol But I agree with sassy that sexy is a state of mind. I think we're all our own worst critics. Everyone's guilty of looking in the mirror and only seeing their trouble areas and ignoring everything overall. That's awesome that your husband feels that way about you but I get what you mean about wanting to feel that way about yourself.

Honestly I think that once you've started down a path to getting healthier you'll instantly start feeling better. I've always found it to be a sexy feeling just to know I'm doing good things for myself, mentally and physically.

I usually only cook 2 times a week. More on the weekends but during the week I'm never home. I'm constantly running around between workouts, work, my family, critical things like pedicures lol. I make food on Sunday nights while I watch housewives and on Wednesday nights after yoga. I just make a bunch of clean food that I like, throw it in gladware, and then have it to grab on the go.

Sleep is goooood! Good for you for loving it because it's so healthy for you.
Thanks JenCats5! That is a good point! I noticed that receipe thread and will check it out.

IS that you in your avatar? If so, you are HOT...I love that picture!! Your body is exactly what I dream about looking like.

Goofy is good......I can be goofy sometimes too, and that is when I'm the most fun to be around :)

jenscats5 said:
*wags finger*


I didnt' know how to cook either - and my Mom was a terrible cook - so I taught myself!! I'm now a pretty good cook.... *pats self on back* (btw I'm goofy) Anyway - don't let "not knowing how" stop you. I was around your age when I taught myself how to cook....and around 27 when I weighed 170.....I'm 36 now, btw....

Now, not everything tasted good when I was learning, but hey.....Check out the Recipe Thread! in this forum - I've tried to come up with simple easy to prepare recipes that are also healthy......and if you have questions on cooking - just ask me!! Happy to help....
wannaBsexy said:
Thanks JenCats5! That is a good point! I noticed that receipe thread and will check it out.

IS that you in your avatar? If so, you are HOT...I love that picture!! Your body is exactly what I dream about looking like.

Goofy is good......I can be goofy sometimes too, and that is when I'm the most fun to be around :)

No that's not me, but I liked the pic cuz I am a skiier.....

Goofy is good, I agree! :freak:
wannaBsexy said:
Cardio Breeze

I found this at the AF Store......would this be good for me to start w/???? It's cheap enough!
CB would be an excellent starting point! :)
Love Cardio Breeze! Fantastic stuff - also not sure if there is a discount code spot for it -- where there are discount code spots on products on the AF Store - you can put in the AF discount code that Ulter & Macro are so nice to give us on EF - enter "afdiscount". That helps w/ some of the prices too.

CB is great - its a kick in the pants to get going for cardio, etc. Not as body-buzzy as a lot of the over the counter thermogenics. But you will love it. Also great because alot of those pills you can't take on an empty stomach w/o getting sick to your stomach. CB is just great all around. Any time of day - but I'd probably keep it to earlier in the day just so you dont experience sleepign problem if any.

But just a note in general - don't spend your time looking for magic pills or "this one says it will burn *whatever* fat" or "specially made for *whatever* fat". There is no quick route to getting your bodyfat down - its ALL about getting a reasonable diet & training program and beiNG CONSISTENT about it. Not just for 1-2 days at a time,. but honestly and truthfully consistent. Schedule your one cheat meal / week so your family doesn't start to hate you, you start to hate you, yo ustart to hate the diet. Its good to throw in some junk food every now and then to keep your body's general functioning still going. (I.e. if you eat very 100% clean, no cheats, e.g. for competition , you actually lose tolerance for things you pull out of yoru diet, like dairy and that sucks alot.) But CONSISTENCY is the key. It is not a fast process, it is not an exciting process. but if you keep yoru mind on where you are going and not how fast you are gettign there, you will all of a sudden start to get there!
Is CB a pill or something you have to mix like a shake?? It didn't say on the site (or I missed it).

I'm at the checkout and realize I really don't know what I'm ordering :)
I'm a cardio breeze junkie....and in a thermorexin and I call it my cleaning stack. I run around the house going 200mph cleaning like a freak. lol
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