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My Mojo


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Following my 12 week test/dbol/winny cycle, it took 3 months post-cycle to get back my libido and ability to produce strong erections.

Praise the lord.
3 months, that is a nasty old business.

I assume you used clomid, any ideas what caused it to take so long?

I also assume you are going to make some ladies kidneys shift this weekend now that you are back in full effect.
Lord of the Pit said:
3 months, that is a nasty old business.

I assume you used clomid, any ideas what caused it to take so long?

I also assume you are going to make some ladies kidneys shift this weekend now that you are back in full effect.

Alas not this weekend... however, my girl has just started the pill (I hate condoms) and so she will be available for my use in 4 days time!!!! Yum.

I used clomid for nearly 6 weeks following my first cycle. I have no idea why it took so long to recover.. I have a feeling that clomid may do little to help in some men? Or maybe I used clomid for too long? I just felt weak and not horny... I seem to be able to get a natural pump again. Will start cycle no.2 in the next few days.... Going to use less this time.. going to see how I respond to 250mg test per week and 15mg-25mg dbol per day.
Widi said:
Next time take some Proviron post cycle, it works wonders :p

I took 25mg to 50mg per day for 3 weeks following my cycle. It did nothing for me. It was real. I believe I was just shut down hard.
3 months! Ugh..... I thought a month sucked ass.... You poor bastard.. That's truly a downside to AAS usage especially if you have a girlfriend. If I didn't have one I could care less, all that means then is I don't have to choke it as much. :)
hiya gary long time no see.

all the advice i could offer for the next time is; try some restandol, a handfull of viagra, and a dodgy satellite card that gives u unlimited access to 4 porno channels all for under £100.

u know it makes sense.

You *just* reached recovery and your gonna shut your system back down? Usually if it takes longer to come around after a cycle it means you should ensure you get more "off-time".
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69Muscle said:
3 months! Ugh..... I thought a month sucked ass.... You poor bastard.. That's truly a downside to AAS usage especially if you have a girlfriend. If I didn't have one I could care less, all that means then is I don't have to choke it as much. :)

hehehe"you poor bastard"
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