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Morning cardio analyzed in context

I think your logic is flawed on this one.
While I agree with doing cardio on an empty stomach we has humans does not hunt in the morning on an empty stomach and has not for a while.
We have for a very long time now been gathers and not hunters and hunters does not necessary hunt first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. They plan it out a bit more since there are no quarantee to be successful so it often takes place a day or two before they run out of food.

Like someone said, we are not animals that just follow what our bodies says. We (most of us) start using our brains a long time ago.

Because a lion can lick its own balls does not mean that I can - I am not a lion but I am hung like a horse :)
Sounds like you're saying I should set my friggin alarm for 05:00hrs :(

I'm going to try this "AM Cardio" shit and let yall know wazup.

So when do you eat breakfast? 3 hours after finish cardio???
by that time I'll be hungry enough to eat the arse out of a dead skunk.

toxicsambo said:
To back up fukknshreddeds post, when you eat ANYTHING, including PROTEIN ONLY, you get an insulin spike. Which means you get a GLUCOSE UPTAKE transported to your MUSCLE cells. INSULIN PREVENTS THE FAT BURNING PROCESS.

If you want to prevent CATABOLISM, you DONT eat before you work out, you EAT PROTEIN IMMEDIATLEY AFTER a workout. Whey Isolate is great for this becasue of the quick absorbtion. For the growth and recovery process, eat protein afterwards because insulin promotes protein synthesis. It's strategic and specific. Lifting AND/OR Cardio in the A.M or 3 hours of an empty stomach is PROVEN time and time again to be the MOST EFFICIENT FAT BURNING process, that's how you do it. And If you want lean muscle, ingest protein immediatley after.

p.s- Fukkenshredded, good to hear youre healthy and back bro. Now I'm just waiting for more pics of you doing a chick with a toy in the 69 position. lmao.
Fukkenshredded said:
Ulter --

I got bogged down in all the legal issues resulting from my business partners ripping me and Isabella off for every dime we had, setting us back two years.

That has been the central reason that I have not been able to pursue my fitness goals with any consistency. I haven't wanted to tell sob stories on the board so I just stayed away for a bit...I want to keep my language here on point with regard to fitness and steroid use, rather than rambling about personal issues that are irrelevant.

BTW, I tried your oxycalm product. I will say that I noticed one thing: increased sex drive. I can't honestly say that it relaxed me or impacted my state of mind to any significant degree, but this must be considered in the context of my internal reference points as a recreational drug user. In other words, the oxy that impacts me noticably is oxycodone, and it is impossible for me to really assert that Oxycalm had any physiological effects that meet the criteria of a drug.

That being said, the increased sex drive alone is worth the price of admission for me, and I want to thank you for allowing me to test the product. I will be including that in my next order from your store, which should occur sometime this month.


Cool, thanks for the update. Both on your life and the product results. Call an old buddy more often. :)
Because a lion can lick its own balls does not mean that I can - I am not a lion but I am hung like a horse :)[/QUOTE]

you obviously are not stretching after you lift. :FRlol:
heavy_duty said:
Sounds like you're saying I should set my friggin alarm for 05:00hrs :(

I'm going to try this "AM Cardio" shit and let yall know wazup.

So when do you eat breakfast? 3 hours after finish cardio???
by that time I'll be hungry enough to eat the arse out of a dead skunk.

No, If you want to PREVENT CATABOLISM, eat right after the workout. If you want the fat burning process to continue, wait 45 min-hour.
I just felt I should point out to those who may be new to the board that the person who posted this thread earned his name by doing the morning cardio he is suggesting... and looking like this.

I agree 100%, FNS! Many things still thrive thru "primitive" living - even though we don't realize it. Someone said we aren't animals....uh, sorry - we ARE - we just have a larger some cases! lol
That's all I had to see to be conviced!!!
I'm starting tomorrow. (going to bed now)

Ulter said:
I just felt I should point out to those who may be new to the board that the person who posted this thread earned his name by doing the morning cardio he is suggesting... and looking like this.

I've been doing this for a while now. It's kicking ass. I did a t3/clen stack at the end of my cycle and then continued doing cardio like crazy on my 2 weeks off clen. I took it relatively easy (read 3x a week) while on clen and the off weeks I just hit it harder.

Now I'm going 5x a week of 30mins of AM cardio. I then drive back to my apt and shower and get ready for school. I'd say a good 45-1hr after I step off the treadmill/elliptical I eat some oatmeal and take some whey protein. It's working GREAT! I feel so energized as compared to days I would just roll my lazy ass outta bed and goto school.

Oh yah, I'm down 17lbs so far. Some is probably water retention from my cycle but I'd say atleast 10lbs was fat. It's worth it.

Oh yeah, there's lots of good lookin' ladies at the gym in the morning :)
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