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Masteron Only Cycle


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Hey Guy's

Whats your views on a Masteron only Cycle for round 6 - 8 weeks?

I'm abit worried about Loosing Libido and becoming lethargic ......which happened to me on an anavar only cycle at 60mg a day by the 6th week

Is there something i could run to prevent suppression and keep libido up and the feel good factor.

I'm a bit drawn back away from Test prop due to bloat, water ret, stretch marks, gyno and other side effects

I'm not looking to put weeight on i want to stay around the same weight with minimal weight gain and harden up and get lean as i can

Thanks all =)
Hey Guy's

Whats your views on a Masteron only Cycle for round 6 - 8 weeks?

I'm abit worried about Loosing Libido and becoming lethargic ......which happened to me on an anavar only cycle at 60mg a day by the 6th week

Is there something i could run to prevent suppression and keep libido up and the feel good factor.

I'm a bit drawn back away from Test prop due to bloat, water ret, stretch marks, gyno and other side effects

I'm not looking to put weeight on i want to stay around the same weight with minimal weight gain and harden up and get lean as i can

Thanks all =)

I'm not a big fan of running anything without test....prop/mast is a great run for what you're looking to do......other than gyno (if you're prone) I don't see how you'd have those sides with prop...


what would you recommend at the minimum dosage for the test prop to prevent sides and too much weight gain

What dosage would be good for masteron?
I'm able to get both types but un-decided which one to go for my cycle will only be for 6 - 8 weeks so maybe the propinate would be a better option what do you think?

Will i gain a lot of weight takin 75mg's EOD, thats the quite the opposite of what im trying to achieve really
Why not add Test? Mast does a great job of keeping water retention and bloat to a minimum even with Test E or Cyp bro shit I hold no water on Deca with Mast it's awesome. Run it with Test and u got urself a cycle!!

Only 6 - 8 weeks? Def go with prop

Prop 150mg eod
Mast P 150mg eod
Aromasin 12.5mg eod
I'm able to get both types but un-decided which one to go for my cycle will only be for 6 - 8 weeks so maybe the propinate would be a better option what do you think?

Will i gain a lot of weight takin 75mg's EOD, thats the quite the opposite of what im trying to achieve really

What exactly are you trying to achieve?
I'm want to gain the benefits from masteron

Muscle Hardness Hardness
NO water retention

I want to do a 6-8 week cycle before beach season just to lean out my bf % is around 7-8%

What i dont want is the libido suppression and lethargy which i got from var only,

so i was told to take test prop to keep the feel good factor and keep my libido up but i dont want to gain weight and all the other sides like water, gyno etc, maybe the odd pound but nothing really noticeable in mass. So i was wondering what would be the minimum dose to get what im after from the test prop

I've also been recommended others lik HCGenerate, Proviron, HCG etc but most people have told me test prop
You keep asking the same questions, are you reading the responses? You're not going to gain water weight with test prop.....if you don't want to gain "too much weight" why are you juicing @ all?

100mgs eod of each would be sufficient i have done this and with higher mgs if your worried about sides just run adex eod and your good bro
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