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Help!->I need advice :(


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My girlfriend of 3 years told me that she isn't sure she wants to be with me anymore- she says there is some dude at her work that she really likes. Now, my girl and I recently moved to the west coast and have been struggling up to about a month ago so she has been stressed and it has taken its toll on us. We went out last night and had an awesome time, fucked in the car and generally things seemed in my favor. Then this guy calls the house a couple times for her and she says she really wants to call him. I am freakin I am pleading with her to see that we have allot going and that we just need to communicate better and all that but she is torn between keeping the relationship together and dumping me. I am sorta screwed because I sold my car a couple months back to help pay bills, now she is the one with the car and so I would have to find an apartment(not cheap in So Cal)- and get a car. She is right on the verge of deciding...this sucks. I really want to stay with her but damn....what do I do? How do you keep girl, or fall out of love so it dosent hurt when they kick you to the curb?
as soon as some fat fuck was calling your apartment for her (the fact that she gave him her phone number) and told you that she wanted to take some interest in him, you should have kicked her out of the apartment..

Fuck her man..she's a bitch. Any girl who would do that to you is evil and not worth your time.

Give yourself more credit man. You're better than that. You're too good for that kind of treatment.

I know this sucks to hear, but you gotta go..she's just gonna bring you down if you try to stay with her.
Then this guy calls the house a couple times for her and she says she really wants to call him.

Mezzanine i know this must have hurt terribly. I know what you are feeling. It is such a painful thing when one person in a relation decides they like someone else better. It feels like being betrayed doesnt it?

It always hurts. When i was 19 a girl i thought i was very in love with dumped me quite suddenly. In the first of it i also begged and tried to convince her but knew in a few days that she wanted him more (i am a woman, she left me for a guy). I walked away.

The best thing you can do it let her decide. Be courteous (and be strong) and let her go if this is what she wants. You can only lose her respect and respect from yourself too by begging her to stay and tring everything to convince her. It will not work if she wants to leave. It may even make the other guy look even more attractive to her. If you can do this right, then a year, from now you will feel good of yourself with how you did this. She will respect you more as well.

It will be rather diffucult for a while especially with the fiancial things you mentioned, but it will not remane difficult. Be strong and things will be better again for you! :D :D :D
Sounds to me like you've already made your mind up. The fact that you're already talking about having to get an apartment and a car means it's time for you to move on.

Getting kicked to the curb is ok, it's lying in the middle of the road bleeding that hurts.

Move on.
Honestly, from what you're telling us, she sounds like a bitch....that's such a messed up thing to guys are in a serious relationship and she's contemplating ending it as if its a simple decision like what to have for giving this guy her number she is showing you NO deserve more than that....
She has told me she will decide soon who she wants, this is crazy. I cant believe this is even happening. I mean she has more flexible morals than me and see no big deal in fucking other guys apparently. I dont think I can live like this, it is tearing me apart. I love her so much and she loves me as well but at the same time she has lust for another man. That is all it is:lust. I feel really a bargaining chip or something. Allot is coming out now, we broke up for a few months once and she fucked this guy for awhile and told me she just kissed him but meanwhile she would stay at his house all night. Really fucked up shit...the hard part is that she really is a wonderful and loving girl when she wants to be.
by giving this guy her number she is showing you NO deserve more than that.... [/B]

i have to agree with this part though im glad she at least told you about it. man the west coast is a dangerous place for couples. to much candy in the candy store. can you imagine the fit shed be having if the shoe was on the other foot. even if she decides to stay could you ever trust her? forget? forgive? what kind of relationship would that be? sounds like you should let her go.
Now i'm convinced you need to move on.

Once a person cheats on you and gets away with it, they will do it again. For your own sake, move on, no ifs no buts.
dude fuck that shit, get out of it, if u do get back together your just putting off the inevitable, ur not meant to be together
NOOOO, REALLYYYYY???????!!!!!!! :mad: You have to be kidding me man? That fucking blows. No offense to you but what a fucking skanky skeezy dirty smelly cunt. I'm pissed off for you so I have no idea what you should do, but it would involve kicking some ass. What a disrepectful mother fucker that guy is? Find out where he lives and blow up his fucking car. That punk ass bitch. Then ditch the bitch after you spit in her face.
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